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Thread: Giraffic Fantasy

  1. #1
    CNelson's Avatar
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    Chuck Nelson

    Giraffic Fantasy

    This is an image I just put together to add to my giraffe collection on my website. I "shot" the giraffes several months ago. When they clustered together in a mix of legs and necks I took a quick shot thinking I might be able to do something with it. The image sat on my hard drive for quite a while and today I got an idea. It's a fantasy image so don't try to make too much of it. I thought I'd just post it for "show and tell."


    Giraffic Fantasy

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    USA - California

    Re: Giraffic Fantasy

    Looks great Chuck!

    A few things I've noticed, if you don't mind some critique
    - The back Giraffe (center head) -- The neck looks like its in shadow with a backlight -- Dosn't seem to quite match the other two.
    - Reflections tend to blur the futher they are away from the source (so more blurry towards the very bottom)
    - The black points of the two images seem a little off (The darkest part of the background should match the darkest part of the giraffes -- easially fixed with levels -- look at the feet, they wouldn't be brighter than the muddy ground)
    - Try massively increasing the contrast of the sky to bring it up to par with the giraffes - it should help reinforce your fantasy theme, and help reduce the slight cookie-cutter look of the giraffes
    - Try an adjustment layer out on the legs to darken them up a bit (With a veritical gradient mask).. My eyes keep going there intead of to the giraffes head.

    I think you did a great job though -- sorry for the unsoliticed critique

  3. #3

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Giraffic Fantasy

    Did you shoot them in "Giraffic Park"? (baaaad joke!)

  4. #4
    CNelson's Avatar
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    Chuck Nelson

    Re: Giraffic Fantasy

    Thanks for the critique Kent. No problems. The back giraffe is as shot, i.e., I didn't add him they were all together and that's how the natural light fell. I know it doesn't quite match the background light but I may play with levels as you suggest. Thank you.

    Colin............GO TO YOUR ROOM!


  5. #5
    CNelson's Avatar
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    Chuck Nelson

    Re: Giraffic Fantasy

    The version posted above is revised using some of the suggestions offered by Kent. I don't think I went as far as Kent would like but I do think it is improved. I replaced the original image on my website so it's not available for comparison here.

    Last edited by CNelson; 8th October 2009 at 04:14 AM.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    USA - California

    Re: Giraffic Fantasy

    Quote Originally Posted by CNelson View Post
    The version posted above is revised using some of the suggestions offered by Kent. I don't think I went as far as Kent would like but I do think it is improved. I replaced the original image on my website so it's not available for comparison here.

    Great improvement Chuck I love it

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