Beautiful image, Kelvin. I like everything about it. Good job.
Yes I like it too Kelvin. The light conditions and the slow shutter speed give a very dramatic look. Nicely done.
Agreed, beautiful image.
Thank you all, while I was sitting taking this shot I got surrounded by sandpipers. The light was too slow and had the wrong lens. I'm going back in the morning with my 70-200 f2.8 and try to capture some birds...
Ditto to all of the favorable comments already mentioned. Notice, however, the strong halos on the silhouetted pier. Back off on the sharpening considerably on the pier to eliminate the halos.
I noticed that, what I can't understand is that these halo's are not on the full size image but when I reduce the size of the image they show up. Any suggestions? I really don't want to soften the original.
Kelvin I don't know what you are using to down size the image but if it's Photoshop, check the Interpolation method selected at the bottom of the Image Size window. If it's set to "Bicubic Sharper", this may be the cause of the halos. It's happened to me. I find "Bicubic (best for smooth gradients)" better.
That is exactly it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!
Really nce capture!
Now that you've got the hang of that, I hope you'll show us a much larger image. We would be able to click your image and see the size that you upload. Consider uploading an image that is about 900 - 1000 pixels on the longest side.