steve i use photoshop cs5
It looks straight now. I'm surprised that CS5, which I don't use, requires guesswork to get it straight.
Notice that the white part of the frame is wider on the sides than on the top and bottom. A general rule of thumb is that all sides should be the same dimension or that the top and sides should be the same, with the bottom being a larger dimension by about half.
Should be the same , i'm using cs4
First i duplicate the image
Edit ---Fill---color---slightly off white, but you can choose what color you want
Image ----mode---8bit
Filter---Texture---texturizer(set to canvas---scaling 80---releif---2)
Image---canvas size---width 0.2---height 0.2---color black
Next duplicate the layer and click the fx button at bottom left ---click on bevel and emboss
Direction up---size 5---soften 2---angle 45---screen 45---multiply 45----enter---merge down
Do the same thing again and this time click on down---enter---merge down
next go to image---image size---click off scale styles and constrain proportions
Up at the top, increase the width and height by 300 pixles. (for example-- If your original image is 3800 x 2500, make it 4100x2800)---click ok
Next go to image---mode---16bit
I make an action and record it. After that , all you have to do is duplicate the image , adjust the image size by 300 pix. and then hit play and the action will do the rest for you. Takes a couple seconds after you make the action.
After the frame is made, click the 2 screen button (arange documents button ) Click on the move tool---hold down the shift key and drag your photo onto the frame
Hold down the ctrl button and click on the bottom layer (both layers will light up blue) then go to layer---align---align horizontal centers---align virtical centers This will center your photo on the frame.
Next click on the top layer(photo) and click fx again---bevel and emboss--and go through the same sequence you did for the frame , then merge down. I make a smaller action for this part as well.
wow, lol, detailed. haha, and yet confusing, lol
Love the final photo, Allen. Definitely one for the wall.
Thanks for the frame instructions, Steve. I just tried them out and the frame worked like a charm!
Thank you Myra. And I can do the frame but having a problem with action it