member Graham kindly requested some more 'Street Photos -- so I have searched some taken on different cameras and will give you the 'Technical Details' -- mostly I 'shoot from the Hip' guessing the framing as here in UK there are so many TV cameras 'watching' what is going on in the town High Streets and the Police are quickly called to question anyone seen with a camera -- not like 45 years ago !
Caught in the Great Brentwood Blizzard couple of years ago through the car windscreen while stuck in traffic, Pentax K10D 35-80mm SMC Pentax-F lens I was given by a Camera Club member.
'The Great Brentwood Blizzard' by pentaxpete, on Flickr
'YAWN' -- caught with my 1966 Carl Zeiss Werramatic free gift camera, 2003 outdated Colorama ( AGFA) 200 film I downrated to 100 ASA and processed in C41 -- I set the focus and exposure and as I approached he yawned !
The 'horizon' is not level due to the guesswork but I mad a 16x12" RA4 darkroom print and won an award !
Yawn by pentaxpete, on Flickr
I always photograph our Postman when testing old cameras and film and give him a print ! Here he is on his rounds, with my free gift MINOX 35 GT camera, 35mm f2.9 Color-Minotar lens, outdated Ilford Delta 100 film rated at 80 ASA and processed in FX37 formula 1+3 for 7 minutes. I 'Panned' the camera.
Our Postman again ! by pentaxpete, on Flickr
British Workers love their TEA-BREAK !! Here I held my little Minox 35 GT at waist level as I came out of the Library and clicked quietly -- outdated Ilford Delta 100 processed in FX37 formula 1+3 for 7 minutes.
Workers' Break time. by pentaxpete, on Flickr