Friends Your feed back needed !
Friends Your feed back needed !
If it's a photo you're looking for feedback on, unfortunately there's nothing uploaded.
Troublemaker - ban him! This kind of thing started happening on another car forum I go on. Nearly ruined the forum. that forum had a tag for reporting such posts to the moderators. Can't find that tab here.
If you are experiencing uploading problems Syed, have a read of this HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
It is something which many of us initially experienced with CinC.
Hi Syed,
Here is the first of your images;
Geoff and Glenn are correct, the specific post you need is this one and read the bit about getting them into forum posts.
If the BB code field isn't visible to you when viewing a single image in your Album, you will need to right click the image, copy the Image Location/Shortcut (to the clipboard), then post a reply to the thread and use the Insert Image button (square with dots at corners), then paste the image url into the pop up dialog.
I would also recommend you read this for additional ideas on how to get the best feedback.
How to Get Effective Feedback for your Posted Images
Welcome to the CiC forums from ...
My apologies to all, Yes -I over-reacted.
Maybe I wouldn't have if we had not had a major spam issue on another other forum I go on.
And a big plus goes to Glenn for correctly stating the issue.
To syed1980, I apologize for accusing you of being a spammer.
And I should not have been so quick to comment, seems I had forgotten my first attempts at getting photos on here.
Last edited by rawill; 24th December 2012 at 12:11 AM.
Anyway, about this photo.
I would crop a little tighter. For me, there is a bit too much uninteresting sea at the bottom and nothing of interest above the clouds.
This would mean either changing the image size ratio or losing a little from the sides; in which case, I would prefer to lose most or all of it from the right side.
Then possibly a slight tweak to increase contrast/saturation etc using one of several options which would all produce similar results.
I will go with Geoff's suggestions and add that the horizon needs a bit of a rotation, seems to be leaning left.
Hi Syed, The image that Dave put up in post #7 of the Sun over ocean- I could add a couple of my comments-
I might crop away the top 1/3rd of the image and a little bit off the left to put the sun a bit off-centre, then saturate colours , increase the contrast of the ocean waves to see the sun highlights sparkle, and finally to apply a darkening vignette about the whole image to concentrate interest on the sun area and its sparkling reflection on the water. Oh and straighten horizon. (Thats "nit-picking" for you!)