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Thread: From Flickr to Blogspot

  1. #1
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    From Flickr to Blogspot

    I need a small help please.
    I am writing a blog in Portuguese which can be translated anytime to any language on a daily basis. (Well, I am trying on a daily basis )

    I have a Flickr account with a set called "Forums" which is only visible to myself, where I place all the images I want to post on forums. The settings on this gallery go like this:

    From Flickr to Blogspot

    When I want to use an image I make Share and this windows pops up
    From Flickr to Blogspot

    Under forums the option 2.b runs fine, it doesn't work at all on Blogspot.
    I have also tried option 1 (Grab the link) without any success. Neither x nor y works!

    I have posted in Flickr asking for help but until today, nothing !

    From Flickr to Blogspot

    On Blogspot side the message always runs like this
    From Flickr to Blogspot

    What am I missing, please ?
    Thank you

  2. #2
    Joan's Avatar
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    Re: From Flickr to Blogspot

    As far as I know to allow public access to a private picture in Flickr you must either make it public, or add a guest pass. Any other option cannot be possible because it would invalidate the concept of private picture....

  3. #3
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: From Flickr to Blogspot

    Thank you Joan
    But as I told you I have certain images on this Forum folder/set which are shared on the web like the ones you see above.
    I just can't make it work the same way on Blogspot and here is my problem.
    I went to another browser to check if I could see the images herewith. And yes I can.
    On the other browser I am not logged in.
    If you go to Flickr you will not see my Forum images and that is where they are.
    You will not be able to see the Forum set !

  4. #4
    Joan's Avatar
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    Re: From Flickr to Blogspot

    I have no big secrets in Flickr. I mark as private the pictures with people from my family and public all the rest. But if it is possible access ALL the pictures in my gallery by using the appropriate web address, then this is not what I understand as private.

  5. #5
    Joan's Avatar
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    Re: From Flickr to Blogspot

    I have done some tests in my Flickr account, and definitely I think that the correct way of doing what you want to do (sharing a private picture) is to use a guest pass. As far as I see, this takes out your picture from the pool of protected (that is, private) pictures and Flickr assigns it an address with a "random" suffix. Only the people knowing the complete address (including this suffix) will be able to access the picture. This is something similar to the addresses of files in file sharing services : you need to know the obscure address to access the file.

    Thus, for instance,

    This is the "normal" Flickr address of one of my private pictures. You cannot access it if you are not included in my friends list.

    This is the guest address of the same picture after generating a guest pass. Anyone using this address can see the picture, independently of being in my friends list in Flickr or not.

    As far as you use the guest pass address, everybody should be able to see the picture.

    BTW: you can revoke your guest passes at any time on a one by one basis.

  6. #6
    ktuli's Avatar
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    Re: From Flickr to Blogspot


    The problem is that Blogspot is expecting only a URL and you are giving it BBCode+URL or are giving it a URL to the Flickr landing page. You need to give it only the URL to the image. To fix, you will want to copy the URL that is between the [img]...[/img] tags (do not include the [img] or [/img] parts either). Your url to use in the last part should start with http:// and end with .jpg.

    Hope this helps.

    - Bill

  7. #7
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: From Flickr to Blogspot

    Joan and Bill
    You both have been too kind. Thank you so much.
    Joan has even been experimenting... perhaps also Bill who told me the obvious which I couldn't see.

    When I read both posts I moved to experiment immediately.
    Indeed when getting the lHTML link from flickr I get this

    <a href="" title="04 by Antonio-Correia, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="214" alt="04"></a>

    To suceed I have only to erase the bold text (using only the underlined code) and there it is.

    From Flickr to Blogspot

    A photograph hidden from the public but available on forums and blogspot. Great. This is what I was needing

    Thank you again to both of you !

    Have a nice and Healthy 2013 !
    Last edited by Antonio Correia; 24th December 2012 at 03:06 PM.

  8. #8
    Joan's Avatar
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    Re: From Flickr to Blogspot

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post

    A photograph hidden from the public but available on forums and blogspot. Great. This is what I was needing
    When saying "a photography hidden from the public" you really mean "a photography not visible for Flickr users visiting my Flickr gallery". The picture will still be available to anybody knowing the URL address you mention in your post, independently of being member of a given forum or not.

  9. #9

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    Re: From Flickr to Blogspot

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    <a href="" title="04 by Antonio-Correia, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="214" alt="04"></a>

    To suceed I have only to erase the bold text (using only the underlined code) and there it is.

    From Flickr to Blogspot

    As a webmaster, I can help with what that html does:

    Something that has the form of [<a href="this">that</a>] is called a hyperlink which shows "that" in a clickable form and "this" is the URL address where it goes when "that" is clicked upon. Both "this" and "that" can be URL's. So, for an example, an small image can made clickable and linked to a bigger image.

    By itself, your <img src="" width="500" height="214" alt="04"> when included in html code will show the image on a page. If I put img in square brackets it can show here too:

    From Flickr to Blogspot

    feliz navidad

  10. #10
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: From Flickr to Blogspot

    Thank you Joan and Ted !

    Have a happy Christmas, giving and receiving many beautiful presents from your loved ones.

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