Seasonal greetings Otmar,
This looks quite well done but I find myself wondering if a greater dynamic range would be better on the leaves? I do appreciate you don't want to go too far with that though.
If mine, compositionally, I'd play around with placing the leaf at more of an angle, but I'm not convinced that would work with the horizontal gradient background - maybe you have even tried and discounted such an idea.
Hope that helps,
Hi Dave, thanks for your comment.
I tried some different angles (including 90 °) but the one you see, worked best (in my eyes). I didn't try to increase dynamic range, for me it seemed to be enough... but maybe this is worth a try...
BR Otmar
Sometimes you look at an image you worked on and say to yourself "self, I think I will just leaf it alone"
Nicely done!![]()
I like the limited dynamic range; this image seems to go against the grain of using maximum dynamic range and it does so very well.
Consider adding more space that would allow the top and bottom tips of the leaves a little "breathing room." They seem a little cramped for space to me.
Hi we meet again
As usually I also like this leaf photo of yours........
@Mike Buckley: Thank you for your helpful comment!
@just me: Hi GriddiThanks for your comment!
Nice to meet you here, I hope you feel well! Best regards from Austria to Australia!