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Thread: African Elephants

  1. #1
    pentaxpete's Avatar
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    African Elephants

    I went to KENYA with the Pentax Club of Great Britain and carried my 1970's Asahi Pentax 6x7 outfit all the way to try to get some 'Stock Photos' for an agency -- these photos have been on file for many years with NO sales-- a waste of time and effort -- now the agency (Topfoto) are sending back all my transparencies as they no longer want any 'Hard Copy' photos , only huge 'Digital Files'. I scanned with my old Epson 1650 flatbed using a home-made cardboard mask, Vuescan and Photoshop 7 . Film was AGFA CT18 50 ASA and I used my 200mm f4 SMC Takumar lens .
    African Elephants
    Kenya 02 by pentaxpete, on Flickr
    African Elephants
    Kenya 03 by pentaxpete, on Flickr

  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: African Elephants

    Peter, I think that the industry transition between film and digital has been made as thoroughly as the aviation industry transition from biplane to monoplane. But, gosh... was the only reason you traveled to Kenya to get transparencies to sell? I really don't think that bringing home lovely shots like above was a "waste of time and effort!"

  3. #3
    pentaxpete's Avatar
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    Re: African Elephants

    Richard -- thanks for your interest -- I did have a good time in the lodges and on the Safari buses -- I did take 35mm Pentax as well and got some good 35mm slides I will show on here of the Masai but LOST all my KODACHROME slides in the post -- the FIRST time I have ever lost any films and they had my pics of 'Bee Eater'birds and lots more on them ! The PERUTZ C18 slides came back safely .

  4. #4

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    Re: African Elephants

    Hi Peter,

    although your photos are quite good, but still I would like to ask, can you not show some photos taken taken very recently, and with a digital camera ?


  5. #5

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    Re: African Elephants

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Peter, I think that the industry transition between film and digital has been made as thoroughly as the aviation industry transition from biplane to monoplane. But, gosh... was the only reason you traveled to Kenya to get transparencies to sell? I really don't think that bringing home lovely shots like above was a "waste of time and effort!"
    Richard I agree with your sentiments, for me it is like, when I am taking a photo, I have no thoughts at all, if other people would like the photo, or perhaps the photo has a chanche to sell ( will not happen anyway with my photos I sort of live just for the moment when I am taking the photo, because just this moment makes me happy......


  6. #6
    pentaxpete's Avatar
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    Re: African Elephants

    Quote Originally Posted by just me View Post
    Hi Peter,

    although your photos are quite good, but still I would like to ask, can you not show some photos taken taken very recently, and with a digital camera ?

    Griddi - I DO have the 'Dreaded DOGITAL' camera a Pentax K10D bought with some vouchers I won BUT use it only for 'WORK' photos and I have not had any work since December 4th --the local newspaper has been taken over and the new owners are sacking most of the Staff Photographers and many Reporters just before Christmas -- as a local 'Freelance' I get a little work but at the monent it has all stopped -- I will put some 'DIGITAL' photos into the 'People' section as I have never done 'Nature and Architecture' or such on Digital -- go there to have a look !

  7. #7

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    Re: African Elephants

    Excellent captures. I really like the rich colours and the details.

    I have one friend whose whole house is like a photography museum with cameras dating back like a 100 years. They sometimes bring these things out for exercise. Others not as prolific collectors but really nuts about lens which have all been adapted for use on digital cameras. Best part is they let me play with these sometimes ------ and then I want to get one.)

    The "museum" guy is one of only 4 people in the world who are Fellows of each of the major photographic societies. A couple of people he introduced to me have 3. Must take a lot of dedication and skill to get to those levels.
    Last edited by Bobobird; 27th December 2012 at 09:37 PM.

  8. #8
    Panama Hat & Camera's Avatar
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    Re: African Elephants

    The pictures are very good. The colours and details are impressive for such small files (232 kB - 640 x 497 pixels and 352 kB - 640 x 476 pixels).
    What are the dimensions (inches or mm) of the printed photos that were scanned? How many DPI did you use to scan it?

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    Re: African Elephants

    Quote Originally Posted by pentaxpete View Post
    Griddi - I DO have the 'Dreaded DOGITAL' camera a Pentax K10D bought with some vouchers I won BUT use it only for 'WORK' photos and I have not had any work since December 4th --the local newspaper has been taken over and the new owners are sacking most of the Staff Photographers and many Reporters just before Christmas -- as a local 'Freelance' I get a little work but at the monent it has all stopped -- I will put some 'DIGITAL' photos into the 'People' section as I have never done 'Nature and Architecture' or such on Digital -- go there to have a look !
    All very well Peter, but if you don't mind asking, why then you do not take some photos just for your own use ? Also why not try Nature and Architecture with Digital camera ?


  10. #10
    pentaxpete's Avatar
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    Re: African Elephants

    Quote Originally Posted by Antony View Post
    The pictures are very good. The colours and details are impressive for such small files (232 kB - 640 x 497 pixels and 352 kB - 640 x 476 pixels).
    What are the dimensions (inches or mm) of the printed photos that were scanned? How many DPI did you use to scan it?
    Antonio -- you will see from the caption it was AGFA CT 18 'slide' film I used nit a 'print' film so I scanned the transparencies -- they are 55mm x 70mm in size -- I had to make a cardboard mask for the Epson 1650 scanner and I lay the transparency onto the glass under the aperture in the mask -- i use 'Vuescan Professional' which I won free -- I just use the 'Generic' slide colour setting .. I use 1600 ppi to scan and it comes out as a 'TIFF' then I use the 'TIFF' to do any colour and contrast adjusting if necessary -- usually there is none needed as I get the exposure right -- then save at a small JPeg -- not too large a JPeg then people cannot steal the photo off the web to use for themselves ! Usually it is 800m pixels on the longer side. If I scan a PRINT then I have an old 'MUSTEK 1200 UB 'flatbed scanner taking up to A4 size which came with my original 'TIME' computer my Sister-in-Law gave me.

  11. #11
    graynomad's Avatar
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    Re: African Elephants

    I have never done 'Nature and Architecture' or such on Digital
    Then you are missing out, digital has totally revolutionised wildlife photography IMO. I get shots now that were not practical or even possible in my film days.


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