Some underwater macros taken with my Olympus OMD EM-5 & 60mm macro lens. With these images I had some home made snoots on my two strobes. Essentially the snoots now the beam of light from the strobes and directs it on a particular part of the image - in this case the subject to try and make them stand out from the background.
Pygmy Leahterjacket - this guy is about 20mm across
A Triplefin - with this image the snoots have made the subject stand out but by using a small F stop (F16) and a fast shutter speed (1/160) and with the reduced lighting from the strobe it has made the background very dark.
This is a worm - we call them feather dusters - the red & white stuff is their gills which they extend to feed. With this image I had a +3 macro wet lens fitted to the front of the housing to assist with the magnification.
A Chromodoris reticulata Nudibranch - again with a +3 macro wet lens