Here is an 'Architectural photo' of Salt Lick Lodge in Kenya where I stayed some years ago with the Pentax Club if great Britain -- it is built on 'stilts' so snakes cannot get up to bite the Tourists and we had Mosquito nets over the beds to prevent Malaria -- much SAFER here in Essex, England ,but not so many 'Wild Animals' to photograph only Drunks in the High Street at weekends ! I used an Asahi Pentax 6x7 Model I with the 105mm f2.4 SMC Takumar lens and Agfa CT18 film, 50 ASA but you get 1/250 at f8 in the bright light ! in the evenings the elephants come down to the moist 'Salt Lick' near the lodge --- I got a few shots with 300mm f5.5 Hanimex lens on Pentax Spotmatic in the darkness on the Ilford XP1 film, current at the time but now XP2 Super.
Kenya 01 by pentaxpete, on Flickr