love it! i got a few ideas for more cloning to.
Hi Monte,
a great idea.
I think they will all remain friends for life.A bit hard not too really.
Did you daughter enjoy helping to make this shot? The way you have managed to get her to look at 'herself' works really well.
Well done.
Thanks it was fun to show her how this was done. She has an interest in photography so I am trying to show her there is much more to it than meets the eye and even a fun side like this.
I explained the entire process to her before we began and she came up with the idea of three of 'them' all looking at the one on the right doing something silly.
Cute picture, and you handled the lighting well. It might take on a bit more interest and impact if you dropped into a crouch or onto your knee to release the shutter so it doesnt give the perspective of an adult staring downward. Dropping to a knee has helped frequently when shooting my granddaughter and other kids.
I'd also recommend cramming them a llittle closer together. The camera seems to emphasize spatial separation in side-by-sides, so the subjects have to feel a bit crammed to not look overly separated in the image. The tight placement also lets you shoote tighter to them, so you can frame-crop more extraneous stuff.
Hope this helps. Looking forward to seeing more.
Thanks for the input. It was a quick little project we did in 10 minutes...Never really thought of all your good points above. This of course was shot with a tripod to ensure the exact same framing on all four images and if I do it again I will get a lower perspective to see how that looks as this was shot from about 4 feet, not adult height. Maybe the wide angle gives it this appearance? Lighting was simply a flash bounced off ceiling, f/8, 1/125 ISO 800