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Thread: Newbie from Alaska

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Newbie from Alaska

    Hello there. Just discovered this site and it looks rather interesting so I signed up. I live and work in Alaska. No surprise then that I'm primarily interested in nature/wildlife photography. I backed into photography as a non-lethal means of hunting. Have been at it for 20 years or so. Started scanning/digital processing in 1998 and went to a DSLR in 2004. I have a technical background so for me photography is comprised of 1) the study of nature and understanding the subject 2) the technical process of capturing light on the chosen medium 3) composing an image that evokes the same sense of wonder in the viewer that I experienced at the point of capture.

    I suppose the two things that I'm best at shooting are bald eagles and dogs in action. As a general rule I don't do people. I've got two web sites set up. One for selling here and one for simply sharing which has a lot more stuff on it here on pBase.

    Looking forward to learning from you folks.

  2. #2
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie from Alaska

    Welcome Dan!
    Some nice images on your site/s. They make me a little homesick having spent 6-7 years of my childhood in Anchorage. I so wish to return someday but this time I think I will fly as driving the Alcan twice is enough.

    I look forward to seeing some more as time goes.

  3. #3
    DeepWater's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie from Alaska

    Welcome Dan!

    You will find plenty of company on this site re birds and dogs ! and technical backgrounds are not lacking either. What I think you will probably enjoy most though is the community. People here are friendly, knowledgeable and willing to share, and they don't have sticks up their butts! (sorry, just couldn't help that last part - but it's true!) At any rate it's good to have you as a part of the community. (Checked out your pBase site - some great work!)

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie from Alaska

    Hi Dan,

    Wishing you a warm welcome to the CiC forums form me too.

    Great shots on PBase - of course I didn't look at all of 'em

    Not sure what we can help you with (at least on your 'specialities'), but I'm sure we can learn from you.

    All the best,

  5. #5
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie from Alaska

    Welcome Dan - not sure I should be doing any welcoming as I am still a bit of a newbie. Had a brief look at some of your photographs and see you have been roaming my part of the world. I walked up Mt Mania last year but it was a very dull uninspiring lighting. Good for bush shots but not much else. I hope you enjoyed all the steps more than I did. Whale bay is one of my favourite spots, unfortunately I find I have to share it with an ever increasing number of others (rather selfish attitude I know).

    Great set of images.

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie from Alaska

    Welcome to the best digital photography site on the Internet comprised of some really wonderful people who range from expert photographers to absolute newbies. If you stalk this site like you stalk the subjects for your nature images, you will notice how polite and helpful everyone is.

  7. #7

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    Re: Newbie from Alaska

    My goodness. Warm welcome with so many replies so quickly. This is already seeming rather homey

  8. #8

    Re: Newbie from Alaska

    Hey Dan,
    I enjoyed viewing your eagle shots at Chilkat Eagle Reserve near Haines, Alaska. I will be there for a daytrip and hope to catch some eagle shots. I'll be there in early August and know that is early for the big gathering later in the year. I will have a 70-200 mm lens on my 7D. I also have a 2x extender but hope I don't have to use it. With your experience, do you think I can get by with a 200mm?

  9. #9
    kaneohebud's Avatar
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    Re: Newbie from Alaska

    From looking at your photos, I think you will be teaching most of us.

    Your Alaska wildlife photos are really nice. I envy you your access, but not your winters. I hope to get up your way sometime next year and take a crack at some of the bear and eagles. Looking forward to your posts here.

  10. #10

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    Re: Newbie from Alaska

    Quote Originally Posted by chasinglight View Post
    Hey Dan,
    I enjoyed viewing your eagle shots at Chilkat Eagle Reserve near Haines, Alaska. I will be there for a daytrip and hope to catch some eagle shots. I'll be there in early August and know that is early for the big gathering later in the year. I will have a 70-200 mm lens on my 7D. I also have a 2x extender but hope I don't have to use it. With your experience, do you think I can get by with a 200mm?
    200mm will be a push. You might get some shots around the marina. With the 2x you should do OK. If you are only there for a day I'd take my chances heading out to Chilkoot Lake. There's also a better than even chance to see brown bears along the river between the lake and where the river dumps into the bay.

  11. #11

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    Re: Newbie from Alaska

    Quote Originally Posted by kaneohebud View Post
    From looking at your photos, I think you will be teaching most of us.

    Your Alaska wildlife photos are really nice. I envy you your access, but not your winters. I hope to get up your way sometime next year and take a crack at some of the bear and eagles. Looking forward to your posts here.
    I don't know about the teaching. If you shoot enough you've gotta hit something once in a while. Winter hasn't turned loose of us yet this year. We had snow yesterday and while it was in the 40s today, we still have two feet of snow in the yard.

  12. #12

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Newbie from Alaska

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    Winter hasn't turned loose of us yet this year. We had snow yesterday and while it was in the 40s today, we still have two feet of snow in the yard.
    Hi Dan,

    Funnily enough, we get quite a few programs from your part on our TV. We like to think that our winters here in NZ are "cold enough", but they absolutely pale into insignificance compared to what you get.

    For us, a REALLY cold winters morning would be in the region of -7 dec C (20 deg F).

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