Hello there. Just discovered this site and it looks rather interesting so I signed up. I live and work in Alaska. No surprise then that I'm primarily interested in nature/wildlife photography. I backed into photography as a non-lethal means of hunting. Have been at it for 20 years or so. Started scanning/digital processing in 1998 and went to a DSLR in 2004. I have a technical background so for me photography is comprised of 1) the study of nature and understanding the subject 2) the technical process of capturing light on the chosen medium 3) composing an image that evokes the same sense of wonder in the viewer that I experienced at the point of capture.
I suppose the two things that I'm best at shooting are bald eagles and dogs in action. As a general rule I don't do people. I've got two web sites set up. One for selling here and one for simply sharing which has a lot more stuff on it here on pBase.
Looking forward to learning from you folks.