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29th December 2012, 06:30 AM
The beach...in B&W
This was the third image of the three I posted the other day. There was little color in it when I made the long exposure and had thoughts of it being B&W but had not worked it up when I posted. I was still contemplating just how I wanted to work it. What say you on my choice? Other than the slight bow in the horizon that I just noticed, which I will adjust. 
Last edited by jeeperman; 30th December 2012 at 09:03 AM.
29th December 2012, 10:18 AM
Re: The beach...in B&W
Hi, Paul
Absolutely works for me, especially viewed at maximal size. Excellent choice for B&W: looks cold, desolate, moody and stark. I might consider a very slight crop off the far right, just to the left of the detached lakebed at the right lower third-would emphasize the isolation of the viewer's postion and the vastness of the water. Regardless, excellent shot.
29th December 2012, 12:43 PM
Re: The beach...in B&W
Another marvelous image! I'm sure you had reasons for eliminating so much of the sky, but having seen the sky in the three other photos, I'm eager to see all of it in this one too.
29th December 2012, 03:33 PM
Re: The beach...in B&W
Like the image a lot - works well in B&W but I missed your original post so I don't have the comparison - give us Jonny-come- lately's a link would ya
You may have already said, but did you use a ND filter on this shot?
29th December 2012, 04:42 PM
Re: The beach...in B&W
I do like the black and white conversion on this one but I went back to the original color versions in your other post and would be curious to see the first image converted to mono. I am drawn the the definition and color of the sky in that one and wonder if it might be more dramatic in B&W?
BTW, some of my Xmas money will be going toward an ND filters and your shots are inspiring
29th December 2012, 04:55 PM
Re: The beach...in B&W
I like it too, nice B&W conversion.
29th December 2012, 04:59 PM
Re: The beach...in B&W
Thank you Kevin, Mike, James and Shane.
Kevin I tried it without the bit of rock you speak of, I feel it opens that end up were it has so little interest anyways and allows your eye to escape out of the frame.
I will see what I can do Mike. I took out the sky for to reasons, the upper portion was rather bland and added little to the image. I also did not want to just regurdgitate a B&W exactly the same as the color.
James, here you go....should answer all your queries. A second go with new filter kit
Shane, yes I think the sky is more dramatic and would work well in B&W but that image really is about the color. The water is a little less interesting and that is why I chose not to make it B&W. The one I converted, I actually had in mind as a B&W from the start being the color in the sky had left during the start of the exposure.
29th December 2012, 05:00 PM
30th December 2012, 09:09 AM
Re: The beach...in B&W
Un cropped version for you, Mike.
30th December 2012, 09:39 AM
Re: The beach...in B&W
Very dramatic Paul with a masterful control of the shadows to the left which still contain detail.
30th December 2012, 12:36 PM
Re: The beach...in B&W
This is very nice with the smooth water. And I like your cropped version best.
30th December 2012, 02:07 PM
Re: The beach...in B&W
Thanks for that, Paul. I do like the uncropped version better, though the cropped version is also very nice.
30th December 2012, 08:45 PM
Re: The beach...in B&W
Thank you, Mike and Terri.
Thank you again Mike and you are welcome. I do like both but lean towards the crop slightly. Had the sky been a little stronger that may not be the case.
30th December 2012, 09:04 PM
Re: The beach...in B&W
Really nice Paul. I tend to agree with your evaluation. When I first scrolled through the thread, I liked the uncropped better, but when I went back and forth a few times I noticed that when coming to the second one it was the sky that my eye kept going to instead of the subject. The cropped version draws you in and makes you look around.
30th December 2012, 10:34 PM
Re: The beach...in B&W
Thank you, Wendy....twas my intention with the crop. Glad it works.
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