My fist picture with my new Canon 1100D of my Mothers Cat in the sink
Would welcome comment's on how to improve the image as i am a complete NOOB .
My fist picture with my new Canon 1100D of my Mothers Cat in the sink
Would welcome comment's on how to improve the image as i am a complete NOOB .
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 30th December 2012 at 06:13 PM. Reason: put the jpg link in IMG tags
You have done something WRONG --- I cannot see any photo !
Hi Matthew,
Welcome to CiC.
For some reason I cannot see your picture, I can see where you are trying to post the picture, but it's not showing. I don't know if other members are seeing the same.
Might be worth trying again.
This link might help: HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
Have posted the direct link to pic
Hi matthew,
thanks we can now see it in your link. I bet he/she hides when the washing up needs doing.
Did you get you camera for Christmas or did you treat yourself?
I've added a link to my earlier post on how to post through 'Tinypic' this will then show your picture in the body of your post; most members like it this way.
Any problems just give me shout.
Hello John,
Yes she will tend to shy away from any household chores.
And the camera was from the wife as a Christmas gift.
Will use the Tinypic link next time
Thx for the advice.
Hi Matthew, Welcome to CiC. What I like about this picture (besides that I have a special affection to B&W kitties) is that it looks like you got the eyes are in focus which is important for pets and wildlife. Looking at your shooting settings, I can't tell for sure if you used flash. But with pets I would suggest a faster shutter speed. She was pretty still in this pic but 1/50 is pretty slow for pets or wildlife. Also, I'd try cropping closer in on her to get rid of some the distracting elements like the dish soap and as much of the dirty dishes as possible. (I appreciate that you probably didn't have time to move the dishes before snapping the pic but that would have been ideal)
Congrats on the new camera. Looking forward to more postings from you!
Hi Matthew,
OK, first I put the correct url (one ending jpg) in the IMG tags, now we can see it.
(so you can link from Flickr next time if you wish, instead of reposting on TinyPic)
I'll try to be gentle as this is your first imageWould welcome comments on how to improve the image as I am a complete NOOB.
With photography, we need to consider both the subject and the background.
You have good focus and exposure on the subject, but the background is a mess - now I fully appreciate this was a grab shot and stopping to remove the plates, cutlery and washing up liquid from shot would have delayed things too much. In fact I commend you (or your wife) on the cleanliness of your sink, mine is not that shiny!
I am just making the point since you asked how it could be improved.
However, all is not lost, with a little PP;
I won't go into details, unless you really want me to, but this shows what can be done with post processing. In fact it might be educational for you to switch between the two in Lytebox to see the differences and tell me what I did - but that's optional
As a point of coincidence; our family has a cat called Socks too
She's here, caught yawning/roaring, in the bird bath! She's still with us 9 1/2 years later (I feel suddenly old)
Warm welcome to the CiC forums from ...
You have managed to prevent over exposure of the highlights, Matthew, in what is actually a tricky scene.
If you aren't familiar with cloning, as with Dave's edit, just crop closer on the left side, plus a fraction from the top and use a different image size ratio.
Hi Matthew, I like this shot but agree with the other comments that you should clone out the dirty dishes in the background. Incidentally... we have a family cat that looks almost identical! I showed my kids and they thought it was ours!
Hi Matthew, I like the photo, and I also like that the dishes are on show, sort of sink and dishes belong together, but perhaps not the cat
With a little post-processing.
When you take a picture, make sure to think about what you HAVE to have in the photo to tell your story. A lot of details are extraneous, unnecessary, so the more you can bring your attention to your subject with ONLY as many extra details as possible, the more you will be able to get your point across. Also, I'm not sure what lenses you're using, but the lower you can get your aperture (you used an aperture of f5, 1.4 or 2.8 would be better), the more smooth the background will be, which will often get rid of any distracting elements in the background. I smoothed the dirty dishes out really quick, so it doesn't look great, but you can kind of get the idea of what the effect would be. I chose B&W just for personal preference
Firstly i would like to thank everybody who has responded to this post,the feedback has been fantastic.
Dave and Ashtyn thank's for the edited pic's they look great.
But as i am sure that you will all admit for a complete novice like myself all the settings i.e appature,shutter speed and ISO etc are all a bit overwhelming at the minute but i am trying different settings to try and find the perfect combination.
As for the editing of the pic's ......... i will try and get my head around this with a little more practice lol