Beautiful photos, you were so lucky to catch them........
#2 and # 5 are the ones I like best......
Thank you Griddi, i had a blast photographing them in the snow. They had me laughing so hard , i almost couldn't take the shots. Several of them (not edited yet) would reach up for the pine limbs and dump all the snow in their face. Then look back with a face covered in snow.
My only problem with these is that I cannot pick a favourite. They are all incredible. I really look forward to seeing the next set.
These are beautiful, Steve. I especially like the last one and am looking forward to seeing more!
These are so realistic you can almost feel the cold. You must be very quiet and patient to be able to get these shots without scaring them away. Did you use a telephoto or just a really warm jacket and boots? I like them all and couldn't choose just one. Looking forward to more.
Thanks everyone...................connie, i shoot these images at a local park. The deer are wild, but accustomed to people being around. They will sometimes let me get within 20 yards or less. I shoot with 2 with a 85mm and one with a 300mm (sometimes 420mm with the 1.4xTC).
Nice images in both sets. I like them very much in the natural settings.
Steve, I think both sets are likely some of my favorite of your deer images. Nice, very nice.
Well this time I do have a favourite #1 don't know what it is about some of these deer shots. Every once and awhile you post one that is the definition of innocence or something, not sure what it is but it pulls at my heartstrings.
The rest as always are excellent. In the group shots, I like the way one deer is guarding while the rest carry on eating. Do you find that there is usually a guard set up within the group.
Great shots, I love the winter wonderland context, although I know the deer probably are not to enthused about winter wonderland when they have to find food in it.
Second set - that first shot is outstanding. The lighting and the way your done the PP just really makes it stand out for me!
Thanks again, everyone, glad you're enjoying these.
Thank you yegor, for pointing that out. I have been accustomed to fixing that issue with the click of a button in DXO. I can't edit the 1dmkii in DXO without upgrading to the elite version.(will get it soon ) I've been editing in LR and PS and didn't use any CA reduction. I'll have to start checking for it.
Cool set of shots. Not a bad way to spend one's time.
Hi Steve,
you are showing us a constant high level of skill, with all of these pictures.
No C&C from me; just thanks for sharing, I've enjoyed viewing.
Steve these just keep getting better and better..... is their no ceiling... I feel like a kid watching a magician.
What a lovely set and in the snow even. It is always a pleasure to see your deer (and hummers).
Guess these guys are friendly now that they see you every day, family even?
Happy new humdeer year.