Hi Clemente,
My Nikon is almost permanently set to M and Auto ISO. With the Nikon it is easy to shoot like this getting the correct exposure every time. In the viewfinder there is a scale that tells you when you are either over or under exposing. I would think the Canon has the same feature.
What might happened is you do not look at the scale and get the incorrect exposure. This usually happens when you are in a hurry to get a shot. What you should probably try is to “pre-set” your camera for a specific shot. If you are shooting in sunlight or any other condition set Aperture and Shutter to what you need it to be, check the scale in the viewfinderr and make sure you are within limits. (for hand held shots with a 18-135 lens I use minimum 125sec.) The max ISO I use is 800.
You should be able to judge more or less what the lighting on your subject will be, even before the subject moves into view. Look around you judging the light and pre-set to get the correct exposure. If you get an ISO reading of around 200 - 300 you know the ISO would be able to handle slight changes in light.
You will never be successful shooting a subject under conditions where light changes radically, without making drastic changes to Shutter speed and Aperture. If you are shooting with full sun on your subject one moment and the next you are shooting into the sun you will have to have your fingers in Auto mode to turn dials. Otherwise simply turn the dial on the camera to A and let the camera do the thinking.
Remember, if you are shooting in any mode but Auto, you have to make the changes to get the correct exposure. Cameras all have limitations and we have to learn where the limits are. You will only find the limits of what your camera can do under specific conditions by experimenting and practice.
A very experienced photographer will shoot in sunlight and then set his camera to shoot indoors even before he moves indoors and he will get the correct exposure. This kind of experience only comes by doing a lot of shooting under different conditions and memorising the settings for those conditions.
Try all things and stick to what works for you.