The event took place at the courthouse in a rotunda. The rotunda inside the courthouse is a three story “cylinder” that extends all the way up to the ceiling where there is a round stained glass ceiling allowing sunlight to filter through it. The inside is lit with fluorescent and incandescent. I would not be using flash. White Balance promises to be a horror story! Fun stuff!
I decided to go with a 70-200mm f/2.8L. Wide open required a minimum ISO of 3200 just to get 1/80th and with a +2/3 stop compensation, which I thought was pushing my luck. (Yikes!) So I squeezed out 1/100th with a +1/3rd stop and brought it back in post. I was around 20-30 feet away give or take. Naturally, I forgot my WhiBal when I scouted the venue. I shot it after the event so I would at least have a starting point but the conditions were abysmal!
The background is a glass front display case. I wish I could have been a couple of feet elevated at my POV. Probably would have allowed to help eliminate some heads in the crowd. Such is having to shoot under these conditions.
At this political level the actual swearing in lasted about one minute. Plus its New Year’s Day and everyone wants it to be over ASAP so they can get on with their day off. So I had to be dialed in and in position. Though the elected officials were the one’s getting sworn in, it seemed like I was the one doing the most swearing!
I thought that there was one shot and one shot only that is important. The right hand up, left on the Bible, and a half decent look on the face. That was the only shot on my shot list for the day! I cropped this one, but at my camera’s native aspect. This crop has a little too much head space for my liking, but I didn’t want to crop it at an odd aspect for print purposes. I didn't bring it in lower in-camera because that would have just included more backs of heads from the seated spectators!
I did a lot of work in post. Including darkening the background and a lot of cloning to rid the myriad of assorted crap that was infringing. So those that like non(or minimally)-processed shots would not find this to their liking.
This is Mr. Justin Hill and his family. A good friend of mine who won the County Treasurer seat. He asked his family to hold the Bible while he was sworn. He is a good man, father, husband, and is as honest as the day is long. He and his family are a pure delight to hang with. Something I wish were more predominant these days. Especially for American politicians.
This would be my Inauguration Gift to him if I decide it nice enough to present. I have no doubt he would like it, but I was hoping to get some feedback from other photographer’s before I pull the trigger.