Pied Butcher Birds regularly visit our garden. The first pic is of one a few weeks old doing the crazy wing flap routine that they have trying to convince a parent that they are starving to death and must be fed immediately. We feed Butcher Birds small pieces of steak but only a small amount so as not to disrupt their normal feeding habits which seem to centre on moths and lizards. You get used to eating breakfast outside and having a Butcher Bird suddenly dive down and grab a terminally wriggling lizard from rocks a couple of metres away. The second pic is of a parent feeding a youngster on one of the pieces of steak we had handed over. The most beautiful thing about Butcher Birds is their song which is at its best, for some reason, when it rains. Whenever there is a real downpour and it often happens in Summer here, the Butcher Birds have taken to sheltering under a covered area at the back of our house and singing and chortling until the rain passes. This one was not quick enough in getting out of the rain and looks decidedly peeved. I know so many people take bird pics but I am very fortunate in having around 35 to 40 species which frequent my garden and allow me the chance for close up and personal glimpses of their behaviour. As always I invite and welcome any and all feedback. My thanks in advance for taking the trouble to view and respond.