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3rd January 2013, 10:34 PM
White Tail
First off, let me apologize to anyone who thought this might be about Deer.
Secondly, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m no bird guy! So near as I can tell this is a White Tail Hawk.
Now I know it isn’t a huge challenge shooting one of these sitting in a tree! I figured I was lucky just to see it in the top of a tree. Much less be able to get close enough to even see it in a camera lens (I was being sneaky but he knew where I was at all times).
It took flight while I was watching it, but it naturally flew away from me and down behind all the branches in the tree it was in, so no love there. At least I was ready in case there was a chance!
Beautiful birds for sure.
4th January 2013, 03:06 AM
Re: White Tail
For not being a bird guy, that is one nice looking bird.
4th January 2013, 03:29 AM
Re: White Tail
well presented Terry, couple more like this and you may consider being a bird guy. I call that guy a mature Red- shouldered Hawk. Very nice. They are kinda shy to people.
4th January 2013, 03:39 AM
Re: White Tail
Hey Terry just thought I would share an immature red- shouldered Hawk I took last week.
4th January 2013, 03:46 AM
Re: White Tail
You guy's and your hawks......................i can't get within a mile of one , before it flies away.
Nice shots guys!!
4th January 2013, 12:27 PM
Re: White Tail
Thanks guys!
So… Red Shouldered Hawk, eh?
Allllllrighty then! Thank you for setting me straight here! No wonder I’m not a bird guy! Can’t even figure out what I am shooting!
By the way James, nice shot of your hawk. Thanks for sharing that.
And while I’m at it Steve, all the deer in my neck of the woods hang out in just that! The woods! I don’t get a nice pretty snow coated pastoral setting of Deer Nirvana!
So I’ll trade you a hawk (in flight) for one of those sometime! And I’ll throw in a rodent in his talons!
4th January 2013, 06:17 PM
Re: White Tail
Hi Terry,
A nice sharp picture that is well composed.
I like the way it's sort of framed by the twigs.
Well done and thanks for sharing.
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