Now that's creepy! I first had my laptop screen at the wrong angle and only saw the left eye. Then I moved it and nearly jumped out of my skin when the other one appeared.
I'm trying to figure out the scene. Is that some kind of fungus on the side of a tree? How big is it?
Looks like a Star Wars figure.
I've never heard of such a fungus. "Conch" is close to "concha", which is Spanish for shell. Not hard to guess why it was given that name.
Ermm, I might be wrong, but I didn't think Fungi had eyes, so what are they?
Exactly - come on fess up.
If this was the 1st April...........Well you all know what I mean.
Whatever it is, I have to admit that it is eye-catching.
I originally shot the fungus because I thought it looked like a cartoon frog face. It was shot in a really dark rain forest during a boating trip out on Prince William Sound. Our GSP was on the trip too and I had taken some shots of her too. Somehow the photos got crossed up during processing
Most certainly very creepy.
Excuse my ignorance - what is a GSP ??
Ahhh GSP = dog. Nice one at that. Nice dogs have intitials - great!
At first thought GSP = Georges St. Pierre and did a wow! but then saw the "her" which could not be right. So....