Here's my flow, using Adobe Bridge, ACR, and Photoshop.
1. Plug camera into computer, turn on
2. Import pictures using Adobe Bridge (Following steps are inside Adobe Bridge)
3. Group photos (Ctrl-G) - makes it easier to look at a large amount of shots, especially when you take 3+ photos of the same subject in the same position
4. Apply metadata/keywords to photos (Type of subject(s), type of picture, location, etc.)
5. Rate photos (1=garbage -> 5=I'll make $ on this). I don't delete any photos so a lot get 1 star.
6. Any photos 2 or up I do at minimum a quick once-over in Adobe Camera Raw (ACR), the higher the star the more time I usually spend
7. I then look for photos that I see opportunity to enhance using Photoshop and open them up
7.a. Apply capture sharpening
7.b. Levels/Curves and color correction
7.c. Retouching
7.d Subjective/creative sharpening
7.e Output sharpening
7.f Save as .psd
8. I take the psds and downsample to 8-bit, convert to sRGB, resize to web resolutions, and export a copy as a jpg
9. Upload the jpg to CiC and get feedback, then set the star rating to 1 (lol?)
10. Take more (hopefully better!) photos