Hi Diane,
All very good photos. The snow looks ok to me but I haven't bad any experience shooting in those conditions. Not a lot of snow here.
2 and 3 are my picks well composed photos and such a good looking dog.
A pat from me.
Cheers, Greg
Thanks Greg he will live that pat from you.
you have captured some nice shots here, well done.
Thanks John
Beautiful shots of your pup! I like them all.. but 3 really tickles my funny bone.. good timing on that one.. I usually get it when its wrapped around their noses:> I like how focused he is in #1 and I love the snow spray in #2, and in #4 its a wonderful shot of a beautiful pup! Nice captures...
I really love that second one with the flying snow and stop action and great DOF.
Thanks Trina and Terri
Lovely shots of a beautiful dog! However, a bit of increased contrast might improve the images a little...
Thanks Richard will give it a try.
Hi Diane,
I would agree with Richard's suggestion.
I like #2 best of the series.
Good exposures, snow shooting can be tricky.
I'd also suggest focusing on the eyes, not the end of the nose, for the closer shots like #3 and #4.
If you focus on the point closest to you, all the Depth of Field distance in front of the focus distance is wasted
If you fous on the eyes and have a suffiently small aperture, the nose may well be sharp too.
Thanks Dave, my focus is something that I constantly struggle with and I know it needs work, I find that when I think I am focusing on one thing that isn't what is happening in actual fact. The contrast did wonders for the pictures I have tweaked it on the two favourites.
Thanks again this is really helpful
Hi Diane,
You might want to try this Local Contrast Enhancement (LCE) it works better than plain old Contrast
Do it on the original shots though, not the contrasty ones, or you'll lose detail in highlights and shadows.
The second versions are better though,
You're a quick learner!
If your using Photoshop, a simple levels and curves adjustment will do the trick. These shots are fantastic! I love your composition! Awesome puppy!
All nice shots but I like the running shot in your last post. Shooting a pet is different than shooting wildlife. Unless you are keen on capturing the surroundings as an important part of the image, I'd recommend settings to properly expose the dog and don't worry about losing detail in the snow. Luckily you don't have one of those pesky black dogs so you can get both unless you're in bright sunlight.
I was just shooting a miniature Aussie with the same colors today in agility practice.
Diane, very cool shots..
You mind sharing your aperture settings for the shot. Smaller aperture (Bigger f Number) helps in combating with the brightness of the snow.