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Thread: Project 2013 by Letrow

  1. #41

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    Re: Project 2013 by Letrow

    My vote is for C - All are good but the other may need a bit more exposure.

  2. #42

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    Re: Project 2013 by Letrow

    For me, Peter, the first one lacks detail with the water; so I would reject it on that basis, although it is otherwise good.

    The second and third show different scenes so it is difficult to decide between them. But I suppose the last one shows the greatest clarity.

  3. #43
    Letrow's Avatar
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    Re: Project 2013 by Letrow

    I agree with both of you, I like C a lot. And otherwise A for its composition, although I get your point about the water Geoff.
    The big favourite with a lot of people I showed the three photos to was B though, so I was a bit stumped. I liked it, but wasn't really enthusiastic about it.

    I am glad to know that it wasn't just me with a different taste.

  4. #44
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    Re: Project 2013 by Letrow

    I'm inclined to go with B or C as well. I like the scene and the lines better in B I think.

  5. #45

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    Re: Project 2013 by Letrow

    There is movement and human interest in B. Albeit just cars driving over a bridge. And the bridge connects the unseen area outside the frame with the image centre. It leads the viewer right into the scene.

    So I can see why some people would prefer that one.

  6. #46
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    Re: Project 2013 by Letrow

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    There is movement and human interest in B. Albeit just cars driving over a bridge. And the bridge connects the unseen area outside the frame with the image centre. It leads the viewer right into the scene.

    So I can see why some people would prefer that one.
    That might be it Geoff. Honestly, I hadn't thought of that, as it was so small in the overall scene. Whatever it was, it baffled me.

  7. #47
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    Re: Project 2013 by Letrow

    Nice, sunny weather today, so time for a few outdoor macro flower shots. I happened to see this small feather.
    A difficult and moving subject.

    Project 2013 by Letrow

    This was the only one I really liked.
    Last edited by Letrow; 23rd February 2013 at 10:03 AM.

  8. #48
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    Re: Project 2013 by Letrow

    Really nice texture in the feature. I think my only comment is that on the bottom right the little bit of orange is just pulling my eye a little. Perhaps a bit of vignetting or cloning?

  9. #49
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    Re: Project 2013 by Letrow

    Quote Originally Posted by Goldcoastgolfer View Post
    Really nice texture in the feature. I think my only comment is that on the bottom right the little bit of orange is just pulling my eye a little. Perhaps a bit of vignetting or cloning?
    Yes, I agree. Now that you mentioned it, I keep noticing it as well. Cloning I think. Job for the weekend.

    Edit: what spot of orange?
    Last edited by Letrow; 23rd February 2013 at 10:03 AM.

  10. #50
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    Re: Project 2013 by Letrow

    A few streetshots from my recent New York trip. I took the Nikon 1V1 along. It rained slightly and I am not quite sure about the effect of that on the retractable lens, so I used it under my umbrella mainly.

    Project 2013 by Letrow

    Project 2013 by Letrow

    Project 2013 by Letrow
    I wasn't sure what he was doing, standing there drugged or helping out someone out by holding the structure, so I pointed and clicked

    Project 2013 by Letrow
    I liked the frailty of this old gentleman, but didn't want to push the camera in his face

    Project 2013 by Letrow
    Only girls seem to do this in public

    Shutterspeed of 1/50 throughout.

  11. #51

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    Re: Project 2013 by Letrow

    Some good colour from a dull day, Peter.

    With #2, I am thinking about a slight crop of the bottom and left side to simplify the scene and remove that blurred figure. Which would concentrate more on the cyclist which is facing towards us.

    But I am not really sure.

  12. #52
    Lon Howard's Avatar
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    Re: Project 2013 by Letrow

    I'm not that familiar with this type of camera, Peter; but just wondering if the shutter speed could have been faster. Shooting moving objects at 1/50 while holding an umbrella in the other hand seems a little challenging when I think about it.

  13. #53
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    Re: Project 2013 by Letrow

    1/50 was challenging. I was experimenting with what to use, but might have to use a higher shutterspeed for scenes like this. On the other hand blur is starting to grow on me. We'll see.

  14. #54
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Project 2013 by Letrow

    beautiful and great sense of movement... ie; fluttery

  15. #55
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    Re: Project 2013 by Letrow

    Some photos from stormy Boston last week

    Project 2013 by Letrow

    Project 2013 by Letrow

    All in the vicinity of Quincy market

  16. #56

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    Re: Project 2013 by Letrow

    A couple of nice fun shots, Peter.

    I was wondering about cropping closer on the first image to remove some background distraction. Possibly a square crop. But that seems to lose as much as it gains.

    Although I think I might clone out the legs coming from under his coat. No problem if there was a visible head but it looks a little strange as it is now.

  17. #57
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    Re: Project 2013 by Letrow

    The second photo is fun.. I like the composition.. great detail.. nice and sharp

  18. #58
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    Working men

    Some shots from my recent trips to Boston and New York.

    Project 2013 by Letrow

    The guys seem to be building a new ramp in Quincy market, Boston. I'll see what it is next time I pass by.

    Project 2013 by Letrow

    New York and its steam... I always love it when they have steam coming up in the middle of the road, it really enhances the atmosphere. Not sure what its function is though.

    Project 2013 by Letrow

    Standing and waiting in the cold. There were loads of trucks and people like these in the streets near the Flat Iron Building on Washington Square. It looked like they were filming some TV series (or maybe movie, given the budget) and all these trucks had their own function I guess, but I am always surprised about the number of people involved in these operations.
    Must cost a fortune.
    Last edited by Letrow; 13th March 2013 at 12:34 PM.

  19. #59
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    Macro (other than flowers or insects)

    While out shooting some of the early flowers I came upon some other macro opportunities.

    Project 2013 by Letrow

    Project 2013 by Letrow

    Well, not all of it. The apples below were actually put there by me, so that the birds could get at them. And it isn't really a macro shot, just close-up.

    Project 2013 by Letrow

  20. #60
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    Re: Macro (other than flowers or insects)

    I had a long story about Rome, but after losing that text twice thanks to the advanced mode not loading properly I decided to forget about that.
    So in short we had a few great days in Rome.
    I took the Nikon 1V1 instead of the D600 with two lenses and given all the walking we did, I was glad about that decision.

    We stayed at a B&B close to the Vatican, so we started there.

    Doors of St. Peter's basilica

    Project 2013 by LetrowProject 2013 by Letrow

    We did see the inside of St Peter's first

    Project 2013 by Letrow

    and afterwards we climbed the cupola for a good view of the city itself (you can feel your legs after more than 500 steps and you want to make sure that you're not a claustrophobic before you do the final part!)

    Project 2013 by Letrow

    Project 2013 by Letrow

    Then we walked to the Piazza Navona for some icecream and the Bernini fountain.

    Project 2013 by Letrow

    As it was relatively close, we also went to the Trevi fountain and the Spanish steps

    Project 2013 by Letrow

    Then a walk back to the hotel and that was just the first day of course.

    My feet were dead tired at the end of it and to add insult to injury the Italian restaurants don't open till 8pm (we Dutch are used to starting around 6-6:30pm), so we really suffered.

    But the food was good at least and the wine went fast.
    Last edited by Letrow; 20th March 2013 at 02:53 PM.

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