Hi Kevin,
It always amazes me how small their heads are (compared to the body and neck)
Unfortunately it looks like it focused on the grass in front of the Turkey, but it looks pretty impossible, with a moving target, to do any better.
Hi, Dave ,
You are exactly right. I have a whole batch of these that focused about a foot behind him, as in spite of my best turkey call, he didnt seem to want me close
you say this turkey was hard to shoot; well we must all agree with you, as it escaped getting 'Shot' ready for Christmas lunch.
Thanks for sharing.
As someone who's been trying to shoot birds in the wild this past week, I feel your pain! I think it is a great capture, even if it won't make the cover of Outdoor Life.
Thanks, Terri, John and Dave for the encouragement and commiseration. I'll stack in my "oh, so close " pile
Last edited by kdoc856; 8th January 2013 at 01:09 AM.
A nice end to some stealthy work getting close.
These guys are wary creatures. I have never gotten that close to one of them!
You guys should come to my subdivision - California Park in Chico if you want to shoot turkeys. However, the environment would not be as conducive to a great nature shot, since our "wild" turkeys are frequently found stooping traffic as the stroll across the street! There are several flocks that hang around the lake, and they are wild even though they are not afraid of people. Bidwell park is quite close and we are in the foothills so is not uncommon to see them in my yard. My wife got several shots of 6 birds flying from our neighbors roof to ours, and then the boys just hung about on our roof for a while. As I said, its not quite the same seeing a turkey on your roof as it is seeing a turkey in the snow. Like the shot myself, and by the way, for Outdoor Life to feature the shot, it has to include a dead turkey too