Nice dramatic picture!. Did you use a filter to ge tthe dramatic sky? The track leads you to the distance,. I see different triangles in the composition, always good to make an interesting picture.
I just wonder if the focal point of the track, at infinity, would look better if it was slightly further to the right.
Also, it currently has roughly half land and half sky so I wonder about reducing one of them a fraction.
Cropping a little from the right edge as well would have the effect to 'moving the focal point to the right'.
Just very minor thoughts about an excellent photo though.
Great shot. would like to see a version with a crop off the right, and probably a little off the bottom if you want to keep the aspect ratio. I like the track exiting the exact LL corner, and think the right sided crop might really emphasize your diagonal.
Wonderful bit of work you've done.
A nice shot, I like it.
Hi Miguel,
I like it too, a great example of why I'd like a lens of that focal length
My crop suggestion would be 10% off the right and 25% off the top - I figure that if the subject isn't the clouds in the sky, why have them compete for attention? That said, it's your photo, so what I suggest doesn't matter.
All the crops suggested above tend to move the truck/cart? towards the centre. I think if it were mine I would be cropping a fair bit off the left and a bit off the bottom to make the truck/cart more dominant. After that maybe a crop overall.
With a wide angle lens you can get very to the nearest object to really emphasis the perspective. I think it is a great subject and suits the B&W presentation.
I had thought about a 5 x 4 ratio like that but the sky didn't quite work the way I imagined the scene.
So eventually, I used the other tradition size of 3 x 2 but in order to get they sky just right, I had to be sneaky and move a bit of sky.
So this is my suggestion.
Slightly increased the highlights as well; but selectively with an adjustment layer and mask.
I still like the first one. The sky hightens the dramatic effect, but this is just my opnion and a matter of taste.