That's a most excellent portrait Antonio. I for one would really like to read a few biographical details about your chosen subjects. Would that be possible?
Thank you Dave.
I am afraid that it is not possible at the moment. The reason is simple: I started it today, a couple of hours ago.
However, a small biography will be included in a separate document.
I am the one who chooses the persons. I am not including - well, this is the idea at the moment - any political but rather people important in sports, social assistance, charity etc.
Just to name a very well known example, José Mourinho lieved, studied and has strong connections to Setúbal.
I think I will not be able to make his photograph as his images are managed by someone and I am not an important photographer.
Thank you for your words![]()
Last edited by Antonio Correia; 10th January 2013 at 08:21 PM.
I think that I now understand better. I live in a small community, and the market town close by is probably more than 1,000 years old. There are many people who have made a big difference to their community but will never be in the national papers. They should have their place, too, and I think that is what you are planning.
Such a great start on such a great project! I look forward to more images.
Absolutely Dave. That is the point.
How about YOU doing the same and WE JOIN to produce an international project ?
More details to follow...![]()
Thank you Mike. It is going to take some time...![]()
nice idea and a good picture. I'll be watching future posts.
Thank you John![]()
It is a very good portrait and your idea is very very interesting.
I look forward to the pictures and biographies to come.
Very nice photo to start an interesting project. As others have stated, I will look forward to following this project.
Good! You should not waste your talent on the type of people who collectively almost killed your country. Actually more then just yours.
Or maybe you shoud - a sort of Hall of Shame series.
As for famous - that is the misconception among non-photographers. I had that too before taking up photography. No sure how one can turn this thinking around, probably not possible.
As for this first shot -- your great b/w and pic taking skills show through again.
I strongly prefer the first image because the background around the subject's head is plain. That area in the second one is distracting for me.
Shame is something politics do not have. So, no Hall of Shame but Hall of Legal Criminals for example could be more appropriate/suitable.
Thank you Bobo for your comment.
In fact, I think I will start from scratch asking him to pose again.
Mike is right and I do not like the great shadow of the bouquet as too strong area.
I must do this "thing" (photographing on location) with more calm. I have thought and I will be using teetering next time.
This will allow me to have a quick glim (or a more precise one) of the final result...
Thank you both for the comments![]()
You could probably very effectively deal with the bouquet's shadow during post-processing. Though it didn't bother me when I first viewed your photo, it bothers me a bit now that you have brought it to my attention.