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Thread: DPP++, a plugin / extension to Canon DPP

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    DPP++, a plugin / extension to Canon DPP

    Maybe it's just my poor searching but I can't find any posts about DPP++ here on CiC. I can't remember how I came across it but I first encountered it at v10.2, back in Sept 2012. v11.0 has just been released.

    You can read more about this enhancement to Canon's free DPP software here:
    As yet I've only tinkered with the trial version, which is heavily crippled. Even though the cost is minimal I didn't invest in v10.2 because I found a bug (using it on XPMCE).

    Why bother with it at all? Well if you are strapped for cash and you find the GIMP has too steep a learning curve or more importantly that installing the the latest version of the GIMP breaks UFRAW, Canon's DPP is as good a place as any to start learning about RAW processing.

    I know PSE is 'cheap' and that LR is not massively pricey but free is, umm, free.

    Anyone else ever seen / tried DPP++?


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: DPP++, a plugin / extension to Canon DPP

    I tried DPP for editing a few years ago but it just didn't do enough for me.

    This latest version seems more inclusive, but the alternatives have also progressed.

    OK for anyone who just wants a basic Raw downloader. With earlier versions I found the DPP Exif information was very comprehensive. I kept it just for that purpose but eventually removed it when I started using ACR.

    As an alternative Raw converter, try Raw Therapee. I used it between using DPP and ACR. Gives good results although the earlier versions particularly version 3 were a bit unstable at times.

    I think those potential bugs have all been fixed with the latest model.

    Free for those who genuinely can't afford anything; donations accepted from wealthier users.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: DPP++, a plugin / extension to Canon DPP

    But have you tried DPP++, which is an extension to DPP?


  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: DPP++, a plugin / extension to Canon DPP

    At the risk of sounding frustrated...

    I'm not asking about DPP, I know it is limited, I know LR is better.

    I started this thread to see if anybody else had come across the DPP++ extension to DPP.


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