Beautiful owls... Singapore appears rich in butterflies and owls.
Hi Walad,
I prefer No.1; but would tone down the background a bit. The owl is nice and sharp.
Well Done.
Beautiful birds these owls.
Nicely captured.
I have never seen eyes like that one in #4. Did you use flash?
Hi Bobo,
Thanks for viewing. Nope! I did not. I have stopped the habit of using flash if unnecessary especially for birds. I was told that this owl is a resident in Johor Senai Airport (Johor is one of Malaysia state among 14 - about 45mins drive from Singapore). By any chance, if you happen to be here please alert me. I will bring you over to this place).
Walad J
Excellent set. That eagle owl is crazy looking.
Great set awlad jam
Great shots. I love bird photography. I assume you have opened the shadow detail so much you have got rid of all shadows and flattened off the shot a little too much. A bit like a HDR image. Shadows are your friend so use them, as I agree that the background is too bright. Assuming you are using one of the Adobe products, when you open shadows you need to pull in both the black and white clipping points on the Levels command by around 5 points and then apply Curves to recreate the contrast for the new dynamic range otherwise the image will appear a bit flat and 'milky'.
But great capture.
Neat images! Have you visited Romy Ocon's, Wild Birds of the Philippines site?
Nice series of Owls, Walad. Very interesting looking birds. I will agree on toning the bright backgrounds down a little.