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Thread: slideshow software

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: slideshow software

    Quote Originally Posted by jcuknz View Post
    Yet to try to export the final results but surely one keeps the quality originals and makes small files for projection?
    That is how I have done it, but with different software.

    Select the output format (mpeg, wmv, etc) and the required quality. A new production is them made from the original material links. So the original doesn't get altered.

    Probably worth double checking the options as you proceed though.

  2. #22
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: slideshow software

    Well im home on leave for 10 weeks and have just picked up on the thread again. Thanks everybody for all of the information, i will try all of the programs that you have suggested and ill let you know how i get on. The question has know developed in that ive been asked to create some promotional material for a local market. i will ask for all of your help in a separate thread.

    Thanks again everybody

  3. #23
    Clactonian's Avatar
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    Re: slideshow software

    I have used jAlbum for years. There is a fully functional free versions with ads or a paid version. I create slide shows and upload to my webpage for family to view. I also load a folder with full sized images and give them the URL so that they can download if required.
    You can have a look at a typical slide show produced with the free version HERE This is just one of a variety of skins available.
    The jAlbum website is HERE

  4. #24
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    Re: slideshow software

    Sharing my experience. I'm using Smartshow 3D program to make slideshows. It's veeery simple to use and yet it has some cool features - slide animation, tons of templates, special effects and export options. Quite time efficient. It's not free though, but there's a trial version to check out. Here's the link if it sounds interesting - LINK.

  5. #25
    New Member
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    London, UK

    Re: slideshow software

    To throw another name into the hat, I'm quite content with MAGIX's slideshow software which is Easy to use, can export to DVD or upload to the internet etc. If you have video editing software though, this would be more than adequate to make a slideshow.

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