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If you are considering moving on to a full-frame camera in a few years, you might want to be careful about spending too much money on crop-frame lenses. I am going on my own experience here. I bought a D90 about 4 years ago and bought the kit 18-55mm lens with the body. I picked up a 55-200 kit and ordered a f/2.8 11-16mm Tokina (the wide-angle Nikkor you are looking at had not come out at the time). I picked up the f/1.8 35mm prime as a walk about lens a bit later. I had been shooting film SLRs for decades prior to that.
Within a year I was certain that I would be switching to a full-frame camera when Nikon did its next refresh on its product cycle and started accumulating full-frame lenses from there on in (one exception is that I picked up a really cheap Samyang fisheye lens). My D800 arrived in early May last year. By the time it arrived, I had all the lenses I needed to use with it except for a wide angle; and I picked up the FX f/2.8 14-24mm in the summer.
In my view, perhaps I should have gone straight to the FX lenses; but having bought the kit lenses, I did not spend a great deal on the glass that I only use occasionally. Your camera body will last a few years (hopefully more than the 2-5 years you are looking at), but the lenses should have a considerably longer life.
Anyways, something to think about...