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Thread: Help my Eizo Monitor shows the strangest colours! Why?

  1. #1

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    Help my Eizo Monitor shows the strangest colours! Why?

    I have an Eizo Flexscan Monitor S2243W that I have used for som time without problems. I have calibrated with Eizo Easypix and the Spyder Pro that came with the monitor. That has worked OK. Now the photo files look like they are in neon colours! Also the files that used to look OK (and they were so - came out just the same as on the the monitor when printed). I have calibrated and recalibrated - numerous times. The result remains unchanged.

    The files were originally RAWs opened in PS as 16 bit Prophoto RGB tiffs which I edit in PS CS6. I have used the Easy Pix menu for Advanced users - just as before. My files are nearly unrecognizable.

    The only thing I have been able to think of is that I tried the Screen manager Pro for LCD (also from Eizo) which I have subsequently uninstalled.

    I am probably just making a stupid mistake somewhere but which?

    I am getting desperate. Can anyone help me? Thanks, Git

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Help my Eizo Monitor shows the strangest colours! Why?

    Have you checked the colour space that you are using for your video card; I assume that you are using AdobeRGB? Are you set to the correct bit depth?

    Are you sure that the monitor and video card connections are good. Loose connections can result in strange colours. Is the cooling fan on your video card working properly, an overheating or defective video card can also result in some of these strange colour issues. I assume that you are using the correct video drivers.

  3. #3
    gcowan's Avatar
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    Re: Help my Eizo Monitor shows the strangest colours! Why?

    Hi Birgitte,

    Clearly something in your process has changed, or a change has occurred in your hardware. Go back to your original process, and check that you are using the 16 bit Profoto RGB colour space, and that you have not loaded some ICC file for a different printer or paper than you usually use. Also check the room lighting hasn't changed. If you have set up PS to preview final print colours and tones and the paper has changed you can get strange colours on the monitor. I have found that matt rag papers give a more vivid colour effect and I have to be careful with my ICC choices.

    Epson has a really good colour management document on their professional printer site. Failing all else contact EISO and or Spyder Pro.

    None of this is easy. I wish you good luck.


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