There will be an implosion of a local power plant on Saturday February 2, 2013 at 7:00 AM...
I have always wanted to shoot an implosion but, there has never been one close to where I live. It is 45 miles (about 72 Km) from my home to the implosion site. It is virtually all freeway so the travel time would be about 45 minutes to one hour. Given that I will need to get there at least an hour and maybe two hours prior to the implosion; that means leaving my home somewhere between 4:00 am and 5:00 am. However, I am used to doing this for fishing trips so that will not cramp my style.
I was thinking about shooting the implosion from across the bay, which is not very wide at that point but, the opposite shore is taken up with a gated community to which I will not be allowed access.
All in all, I figure that I will make my final decision when I find out from where I will be allowed to shoot and also when I get a closer ideas of the weather conditions on the morning of the implosion.
I have a very neat tripod accessory. It is a bar which attaches to my tripod head and to which I can affix multiple cameras. I purchased this, for a pittance, at my camera club's annual rummage sale with a vague idea that I would someday have a use for it...
I have three cameras and an assortment of lenses to use on this bar. I would probably shoot with 200mm, 300mm and 400mm lenses. I use corded releases for the cameras, so I can shoot all three cameras from release buttons that I tape on my tripod handle.
I just love trying to figure out plans for covering an event. That was one of my favorite jobs when I was a Cinematographer-Motion Picture Director for the U.S. Navy. Getting the maximum coverage from the minimum resources was always an invigorating pzzle to work on. This implosion planning is bringing me back to those days...