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Guess what Manfred? My wife did call it something else!
Having only one chance for a shot reminds me of an old cinematographer's joke which goes:
Cecil B. DeMille was shooting this immense and extremely expensive biblical battle scene. In order to ensure that he would get the images, he built three camera towers and had a camera and cameraman on each tower.
At the end of the scene when all the chariots were smashed to bits. DeMille called up to the first camera man,
"Tower One - did you get that?"
The cameraman on Tower One replied, "Sorry C.B., my camera jammed!"
Not worried because he had two more cameras, DeMille called up to the second cameraman,
"Tower Two - did you get that?"
The cameraman on Tower Two replied, "Sorry C.B., my camera jammed also!"
In a panic, DeMille called up to the third camera man,
"Tower Three..."
The cameraman in Tower Three answered. "Ready when you are C.B.!"