Hi, just thought I'd share a few of my favorite cloud & other random pitures ~ I'm definately not a professional and I'd love to hear any recommendations so that I can take better pictuers in the future!
Last edited by beachgirl444; 24th January 2013 at 09:18 PM.
Hi Krissy,
welcome on CiC. I would not worry at all about being "not professional". This is learning community and many of us - including myself - are rather more enthusiasts than professionals.
Share your pics, you will find out that a lot of members will be happy to provide you tips and recommendations
Sorry, I replied to your post before seeing the images...
Nice shots, but I really love the composition and the light rays of #1
Colors in #3 are amazing, but the leaves on the right are a bit too dark to me. You could try to increase a little bit the brightness
Welcome to the forum. Those are some very nice shots; the colors in #3 are beautiful. Getting the proper exposure can be challenging at times. Full sun on a white cloud is very bright and it's easy to blow-out the cloud, leaving no texture. Bracketing your exposure in manual mode can be useful if you don't have a spot meter. Color at sunrise and sunset changes rapidly. Making an exposure every few minutes can capture the range of hues. You can pick the best one(s) later on the computer.
I'm a retired pilot and I looked at clouds for my entire working life; they are always changing and interesting. Some of my more memorable views happened at high altitude around thunderstorms where I did not have my camera. I was usually kind of busy then.
[QUOTE=GiacomoD;282751]Hi Krissy,
welcome on CiC. I would not worry at all about being "not professional". This is learning community and many of us - including myself - are rather more enthusiasts than professionals.
Share your pics, you will find out that a lot of members will be happy to provide you tips and recommendations
Well said.