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Thread: Which 18-200mm Nikor lens took this photo?

  1. #1

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    Which 18-200mm Nikor lens took this photo?

    I'm talking about the lens you used to shoot the AMAZING Swan and Reflection photo.

    Which flavour of the 18 - 200mm do you have?

    I have a Nikon D3000 which I think is very similar to your D5000. Right now I'm just using the 18-55 mm lens that came with it, but I've been looking at zoom lenses. I know I can't afford the f2.8, (nor do I want to lug it around) so I'm really hoping to hear that the swan pic was taken with one of the other 18 - 200mm.

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Question for Dave H. Re 18-200mm Nikor lens

    Hi ScoutR,

    Yes, the D5000 is the slightly bigger brother/sister of the D3000.

    I have (he pauses to pick up the box) the "AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G IF-ED".

    I gather there is a newer version of this lens out (since July 2009) with the next generation VR technology, not that I have found what I have to be a problem!

    You can tell the difference by the colour of the "VR" written on the lens barrel, mine is red, the newer model's is gold.

    Thanks for the kind words about the swan picture, it had a significant amount of PP effort to get it nice like that though

    Any excuse to show another shot, here it is a couple of steps later, but I had zoomed in and lost the full reflection by then
    Which 18-200mm Nikor lens took this photo?

    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 28th October 2009 at 10:06 PM. Reason: add image

  3. #3

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    Re: Question for Dave H. Re 18-200mm Nikor lens

    Thanks Dave, that sounds like the one I was looking at. I remember there were 2 that appeared to be the same except for the new version of the VR. Glad to see that it takes such great shots.

    I like the second picture too. It really stands on it's own without the reflection, what with the wingspread the foot action, and the tree reflections in the lake, there is enough going on. Both look great to me

    Did another Swan fly in just ahead of this one. I'm just wondering what the wake in the back is caused by.

    Thanks for getting out the box and looking up the lens for me.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Question for Dave H. Re 18-200mm Nikor lens

    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutR View Post
    Did another Swan fly in just ahead of this one. I'm just wondering what the wake in the back is caused by.
    Well spotted Wendy, yes there was.

    Of course I was lucky; as I missed the first one and had to go for the second, if that had been further away, there would have been no reflection to see

    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutR View Post
    I remember there were 2 that appeared to be the same except for the new version of the VR
    Out of interest, did they come at different prices?

    Glad to help,

  5. #5

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    Re: Question for Dave H. Re 18-200mm Nikor lens

    Out of interest, did they come at different prices?
    Wish I could help with that. I was just looking them up at the Nikon Canada site. They don't post the prices.

    When I get a chance to check them out at the store, I will let you know. I'm thinking the new one would be more expensive, but the way (some of) the stores operate here, they will generally charge based on how they size you up when you come in the store.

    Take care, have a good afternoon.

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