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Thread: Looking across Yoho National Park from high above

  1. #1

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    Looking across Yoho National Park from high above

    After learning from a magazine about almost this exact spot in Canada's Yoho National Park, I looked forward for several years to making this photo. I did that in 2003 using color slide film and royally messed it up. I returned in 2009 with a DSLR and was very pleased with the results. A year ago I converted the image to black-and-white, which was one of the first images that I had ever converted. I revisited the same photo today with the luxury of having considerably more experience, started from scratch, and -- as I expected -- made a better conversion using fewer adjustment steps.

    After capturing the photo, recognizing that my wife had the best seat in the house, I decided to sit beside her to enjoy lunch. Though she was very comfortable the whole time, especially because the large rock she was sitting on was leaning backward, I couldn't make myself do it. So she and her wimp moved to a different spot to have lunch.

    C&C encouraged, though I have nothing to ask.

    Looking across Yoho National Park from high above

  2. #2
    andrewaxford's Avatar
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    Re: Looking across Yoho National Park from high above

    Mike im almost afraid to comment but here goes! i love the composition but could a little lift in the exposure of the forest bring a bit more detail there.

  3. #3
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Looking across Yoho National Park from high above

    Mike it's a spectacular shot from a great viewpoint and the B&W conversion looks OK to me (but what would I know about B&W?). You've got me wondering now what the colour version is like !


  4. #4

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    Re: Looking across Yoho National Park from high above

    Never be concerned about commenting, Andrew. I've tried various treatments of the forest including ideas that you would probably like better. I settled on the current treatment because it preserves detail while providing the rich tonality. I've only been making conversions for a year, so don't be surprised if I revisit this over time. That's especially true considering that it's one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.

    Dave: I'm also very pleased with the color version, though both my wife and I prefer this one.

  5. #5
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Looking across Yoho National Park from high above

    It's a great image and the conversion works for me. Don't forget to have a look in lightbox.

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Looking across Yoho National Park from high above

    Nice shot Mike. While Banff and Jasper National Parks get all the rave reviews, I really like both Yoho and Kootnay National Parks just because they don't get as many visitors and somehow feel more closeup and personal than Banff NP.

    I think going B&W works well here; you've simplified the sky, lakes, trees and mountains into something that works well. Your wife did pick a great place to enjoy the view.

  7. #7

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    Re: Looking across Yoho National Park from high above

    Glad you like it, Paul!

    Thanks, Manfred. I agree that Yoho is really special. This particular area of the park is the area that they allow entrance only to about 100 people per day. By the way, it wasn't my wife who picked the great view; it was the photographer who had his photo published in the magazine about 10 years earlier.

  8. #8
    rawill's Avatar
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    Re: Looking across Yoho National Park from high above

    I can not believe your wife will just sit there.
    I would not have even contemplated having lunch there, not even for a split second.

    This photo does stand out, looking through the U frame, but your wife sitting on the edge, very dramatic, and the moody sky is good.

    But I too can't help but wonder how it would be in colour.

    Oh and that is quite a story you wrote about getting that photo, persistence pays off.

  9. #9
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Looking across Yoho National Park from high above

    Beautiful, Mike. Just beautiful.

    You make me very jealous.

  10. #10
    Plumcrak's Avatar
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    Re: Looking across Yoho National Park from high above

    All I can come up with at this time is.....IMPRESSIVE!!!!!!

  11. #11
    FlyingSquirrel's Avatar
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    Re: Looking across Yoho National Park from high above

    Wow! It's like being in a dream. Unbelievable photo.

  12. #12

    Join Date
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    Re: Looking across Yoho National Park from high above

    Thank you, everyone!

  13. #13

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    Re: Looking across Yoho National Park from high above

    Lightbox view is exceptional. I think it really needs a big, big view to appreciate. At this small display size it looks "different".

    Now that you have gone through so much conversion - a year you say - how about some tips for us b/w challenged people?

  14. #14

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    Re: Looking across Yoho National Park from high above

    Quote Originally Posted by Bobobird View Post
    Lightbox view is exceptional. I think it really needs a big, big view to appreciate. At this small display size it looks "different".
    Thank you. I would go so far as to say that it's not a particularly good image when viewed in the small size. It's too busy in my mind when everything is relegated to a small viewing space. Some images of large scenes only work for me when displayed in a relatively large format and this is one example.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bobobird View Post
    how about some tips for us b/w challenged people?
    I think the biggest tip is that, just like making color photos, learning post-processing technique and developing a sense of how you want the image to look gets easier and better with repeated practice over a fairly long period of time. If you have more specific issues in mind, don't hesitate to ask or even start a new thread.

  15. #15

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    Re: Looking across Yoho National Park from high above

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post

    ... If you have more specific issues in mind, don't hesitate to ask or even start a new thread.
    You will get that opportunity ... I am doing a bunch of pics of yesterday's snowstorm.

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