One of the solitary Digger Wasps; an interesting family. Virtually impossible to get a firm identification without seeing the wing veins though.
A good clear well composed photo.
Excellent Rudi,
... and I know how difficult it is to get one this good.
Rudy, very nice image! As Dave mentioned, not easy to get one like this. Would you mind telling us the lens that were used on your 50D for this shot?
Nice capture, great detail and color.
Excellent job there. Great shot.
Otavio - I suspect it is the Canon 100/2.8?![]()
Thank you all for the nice comments.
Wasps, and other critters....., are not the most cooperative models. Neverthelesss I ended up with a card full off images, and as usual nearly all for the dustbin. Luckily I got some keepers
Photo taken with 50D and the 100mm macro f2.8 lens. At f11, 1/250sec, iso 250, no flash used.
I took a lot with the macro twin lite flash, but most off them had hotspots and the colors were not that rich.
Thanks for confirming the lens used (Bobo was right) and, again, great job!
Very nice detail and colour! A keeper for sure!
I Rudi,
A rather nice image. I was wondering how you took it without upsetting him.
We noticed a nest being prepared near our front door the other day and left it alone. After returning from a drive one of the monsters attacked me and stung me on the ear.
I did not feel well disposed towards it, however we have left the nest alone and dash in and out of the front door. I ventured out with a 300mm lens to photograph the nest but did not feel confident enough to get closer than 2.5m. I will post the result but it is not a lovely image like yours.
Thanks Graham,
Patience and a little bit off luck I guess. Mostly they are very nervous, but somehow it seems they like that flower, so I could get relatif close. Not for too long though before they took off. I ended up with a few keepers out off hundreds....
Nesting sites I try to avoid, been there done that, with the same result as you
Would like to see your pictures.
Regards, Rudi