I really like the feeling of this image but, would probably crop it to just above the end of the water above the couple walking. I tend to "see" the couple better with that cropping...
I tend to agree with Richard
perhaps you were thinking of the current composition being in 'thirds', but that top third that's all just shadow doesn't really contribute and if you go in tighter as Richard suggests, the bit of land they are walking (the name of it escapes me for the moment) is about on the lower third line and the sunlit patch is on the upper third, so I think it is fine like that.
I may be mistaken, but I feel the need to rotate it anti clockwise.
Yes, I would crop a little from the top and right side.
The 'straight' lines towards the bottom do suggest a little rotation. But what is really level here?
That has removed the 'top heavy' appearance of the first version.
If you wanted to, I suspect you could have gone just a little wider at the top and shown a narrow dark strip above their heads.
Either way, this looks better to me.
Hi Nandakumar. I agree with Geoff. A narrow dark strip on the top will make the image "stronger", in my opinion.
Anyway, it a very nice image! Regards...
Yes, your crop may be a bit too severe. Try cropping about half the dark band from the original image. Nice shot though.