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Thread: Good morning

  1. #1
    tomdinning's Avatar
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    tom dinning

    Good morning

    Or good afternoon if you happen to be in the other hemisphere.
    This mat seem a bit strange to some, having an old bloke from Australia joining in with the Cambridge crew but I have my reasons.
    Firstly, my wife, Christine, is from Manchester but please do not hold that against me. She's OK, its just her language is a bit rough at times. Secondly, I frequent your shores most years, sometimes twice a year and have done so for the past 30 years so I feel a bit attached to the place. My grandparents were Geordies if that helps. Lastly, I do love the countryside in the UK. You may have seen me about. I calculate I have walked on at least 5000km of your muddy and slippery paths and stood in countless cow pads and dogs doo.
    But there is a chance some of you might like to see some foreign shores, so I'll post a few shots from the antipodes for your reflection.
    Here's where I live.

    Good morning
    Untitled_Panorama1 by tom.dinning, on Flickr

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Good morning

    Hello Tom and welcome to CiC.

    There are indeed a lot of UK people on here, but you'll find it's a very international site, with folks from all over the world. The name comes from the fact that the site owner (Sean (McQ)) started it up when he was studying at Cambridge Univeristy. He's now back home in California (I know, but someone's got to live there!). Of the other Admin and Mods, well there's a New Zealander (but he can't help that either), an Englishman (Mmmm, Grrrrr) and then , of course, it couldn't be complete without a Scot.

    So, I hope you enjoy being part of this very wide cultural mix, all of whom have the one thing in common - the passion for photography. It's a great resource for learning and if you have any questions, just post them up. There will always be someone will come along with a suggested answer/solution.

  3. #3
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Good morning

    Tom just be careful what you write because some of us may now believe that you live in a pond and look like a croc. Anyway welcome to CiC and I am certain nobody will mind what you look like or where you live unless it is north of the border country.

  4. #4
    tomdinning's Avatar
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    tom dinning

    Re: Good morning

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    Tom just be careful what you write because some of us may now believe that you live in a pond and look like a croc. Anyway welcome to CiC and I am certain nobody will mind what you look like or where you live unless it is north of the border country.
    Which border is that?
    This is the pond at my back fence. I've tied a small annoying child to a stick by the shore in the hope of drawing the beast from the water but no luck yet. It was seen heading for the local crèche recently so it must like kids.

  5. #5
    tomdinning's Avatar
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    tom dinning

    Re: Good morning

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Hello Tom and welcome to CiC.

    There are indeed a lot of UK people on here, but you'll find it's a very international site, with folks from all over the world. The name comes from the fact that the site owner (Sean (McQ)) started it up when he was studying at Cambridge Univeristy. He's now back home in California (I know, but someone's got to live there!). Of the other Admin and Mods, well there's a New Zealander (but he can't help that either), an Englishman (Mmmm, Grrrrr) and then , of course, it couldn't be complete without a Scot.

    So, I hope you enjoy being part of this very wide cultural mix, all of whom have the one thing in common - the passion for photography. It's a great resource for learning and if you have any questions, just post them up. There will always be someone will come along with a suggested answer/solution.
    Bugger! I thought this was PORNOGRAPHY. Never mind. I'll drag out the point and shoot and see what I can do. Damn that spell check!

  6. #6
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Good morning

    Quote Originally Posted by tomdinning View Post
    Which border is that?
    This is the pond at my back fence. I've tied a small annoying child to a stick by the shore in the hope of drawing the beast from the water but no luck yet. It was seen heading for the local crèche recently so it must like kids.
    The northern border of english civilisation - don't worry we are not even close to either.
    I assume you set your camera up with an auto shutter release trigger attached to the child so you can show all of us your latest natural history photographs.

  7. #7
    New Member fluffchucker's Avatar
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    Re: Good morning

    Hi Tom
    Hope you haven't picked up the Manc accent from watching too much Corrie
    Catch you in July - bring your waterproofs for the summer weather

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