I have been re-visiting my old film scans with a more practised PP technique. This is closer to the slide than any of my previous attempts. Fishermen at sunset about 5 years ago. The camera is Hasselblad XPAN. The lens is Hasselblad 45mm f4. Film Fuji Velvia 100. At about 5 seconds exposure and f11.
For those not familiar with this camera it is a 35mm film range finder panoramic camera. The picture circle from the lens is large enough to expose two frames at the same time. The camera has a switch which changes the exposure from a single 35mm frame or a standard 35mm camera to a pano which is 2 frames. The frame lines in the view finder change to allow accurate framing. The lens is very sharp but quite slow for a standard lens, so it is really best used for landscape on a tripod.