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Thread: Quieter Shutter - Fuji Cameras

  1. #1
    William W's Avatar
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    Quieter Shutter - Fuji Cameras

    Does anyone have experience comparing and contrasting the Fuji, X-Pro 100 and the X100.

    Specifically my question is:
    Which of the two has the quieter shutter: the Focal Plane of the former or the Leaf Shutter in the latter?

    Thank you


  2. #2
    inkista's Avatar
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    Re: Quieter Shutter - Fuji Cameras

    No experience with either, but from this thread on a Fuji board, I gather that the X-Pro 1 is quieter than an M9, but louder than an X100. The used market is probably going to see more of the X100 now that the X100s has been announced.

  3. #3
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Quieter Shutter - Fuji Cameras

    Thank you, the link and some links inside it, were very useful.

    I began with the assumption that, from the SUBJECT’S perspective, the leaf shutter of the X100 would be ‘much’ LESS noticeable than the Focal Plane Shutter of the X-Pro 100, simply because it was a leaf shutter.

    But the ‘comparison’ between the X-Pro and the M9 is very useful to me as I have the known factor of the M9: and if the X-Pro is indeed less intrusive than an M9 in this regard, then that is quite relevant to my requirements.

    I am actually having difficulty getting my hands on an X-Pro 100 to have a little play with it – one of the downsides of living ‘down here’, I guess.

    I am not all that keen on ONLY having a 23mm lens – but I am keen on having ‘quiet’ . . . my conundrum at the moment.

    In either case, even though there will be a few ‘cheap’ X100 cameras shortly, if I go that way I will probably opt for the new 100s version; which on paper at least, seems to have very significant improvements over the X100

    Thanks again, Kathy: and have a great weekend.


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    inkista's Avatar
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    Re: Quieter Shutter - Fuji Cameras

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    Thank you, the link and some links inside it, were very useful.
    You're welcome!

    Just one thought: there's one more model in the middle you haven't mentioned, so I figured I'd throw it out there just in case [probably needlessly]. There's a lower-end version of the X-Pro 1 with the Fuji X mount, but without the hybrid viewfinder (it's EVF only), which is the XE-1. That might serve as an interim body at lower cost than an X Pro-1. But the shutter sound is probably the same as the X-Pro 1's, as it has the same focal plane shutter mechanism.

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    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Quieter Shutter - Fuji Cameras

    Quote Originally Posted by inkista View Post
    Just one thought: . . . I figured I'd throw it out there just in case . . . [probably needlessly].
    I'll interpret the "probably needlessly" as a compliment and that you assume I have that base already covered. But I have always worked on the presumption that I would rather be told eight times something I already know than to miss out on a little tit bit which I didn't know.

    So any 'thoughts' from any source, especially one so versed as yourself, are always welcomed.


    I agree - my thinking also is that the shutter on the XE-1 will be about the same - perhaps a fraction louder, because of the less robust build of the body compared to the X-Pro 1 - but any difference would be micro decibels, I expect.

    The killer with the XE-1 is the lack of the optical viewfinder, which I want.

    For me, the (new) X100s is winning at the moment – I really can’t condone spending the $ on the X-Pro 1 and then more $ to buy the lens I want.

    The lens I would use most, would be around 23mm anyway – though the 35/1.4 appears very yummy indeed, albeit a bit too long for what I want to mainly do with the camera, those tasks mainly being: candid; low light; street; journalism; pre-set and zone focus; portraiture; indoor; non invasive; discrete . . . etc

    There is also an upcoming X20 . . . Hmm which I 'sort of kind of’ had a glance but even though it is comparatively very inexpensive, it is not really what I want.

    Any more ‘thoughts’?


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    Re: Quieter Shutter - Fuji Cameras

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    I'll interpret the "probably needlessly" as a compliment and that you assume I have that base already covered. But I have always worked on the presumption that I would rather be told eight times something I already know than to miss out on a little tit bit which I didn't know.

    So any 'thoughts' from any source, especially one so versed as yourself, are always welcomed.


    I agree - my thinking also is that the shutter on the XE-1 will be about the same - perhaps a fraction louder, because of the less robust build of the body compared to the X-Pro 1 - but any difference would be micro decibels, I expect.

    The killer with the XE-1 is the lack of the optical viewfinder, which I want.

    For me, the (new) X100s is winning at the moment – I really can’t condone spending the $ on the X-Pro 1 and then more $ to buy the lens I want.

    The lens I would use most, would be around 23mm anyway – though the 35/1.4 appears very yummy indeed, albeit a bit too long for what I want to mainly do with the camera, those tasks mainly being: candid; low light; street; journalism; pre-set and zone focus; portraiture; indoor; non invasive; discrete . . . etc

    There is also an upcoming X20 . . . Hmm which I 'sort of kind of’ had a glance but even though it is comparatively very inexpensive, it is not really what I want.

    Any more ‘thoughts’?

    can't comment on the shutter issue.

    interestingly some people are finding they use the EVF more than the OVF on the x-pro1 especially if they use the 18-55 (which is a nice lens BTW). not an issue for you I guess

    the 35 is a nice lens. focus accuracy is much better in low light with the latest firmware but the focus speed is still not best in class.

    the x100s will be a lovely camera but I wanted the ability to change lenses. And the proposed 27 f2.8 pancake on an XE1 will fill the x100s need for me.

    this may help

  7. #7
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Quieter Shutter - Fuji Cameras

    Quote Originally Posted by thequacksoflife View Post
    Yes, very useful, thanks.
    I have read the whole commentary by Alexander, beginning at Nov 27th 2012 – it was very useful for me.

    Thanks again.


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    Re: Quieter Shutter - Fuji Cameras

    Bill this post on fuji rumors links to a video with the sound of the shutter on the x100s

    you have to wait to the end for the x100s

    hope it helps

  9. #9
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Quieter Shutter - Fuji Cameras

    Thanks Quack for that link - it is a very quiet shutter quack indeed - yes it did help I hadn't seen (heard) that video.


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