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Thread: Project 52 - 2013

  1. #41

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Project 52 - 2013

    These are certainly sharper. But even 1/1500 can be a bit slow for some faster birds.

    Focusing will always be difficult to achieve on moving subjects particularly when they are close to a harder background as the camera often prefers to auto focus on the background.

    Correct exposure is also tricky. Don't get too concerned about the histogram as this will mostly be measuring the background. Getting exposure correct for multicoloured birds will always be hit and miss; except for the real experts.

    Spot metering on similar brightness levels from the background then setting your camera to manual settings based on those readings is often recommended by the bird specialists. But this does mean being able to find something similar, or being able to correctly calculate the variation required.

    And it assumes you will be photographing the intended subject. Very often, a differently designed bird comes along first!

    With regard to editing. I sometimes use one of the Auto Correction tools to give me a starting point when I am unsure of what would give the best effect. But I then make my own edits based on the auto setting.

    The other thing to consider is what cropping ratio best suits the scene. Ratios like 5 x 4 or 4 x 5 or square often work better than the as shot ratio.

  2. #42
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 - 2013

    As always, thank you Geoff. Very helpful

    I just can't manage to get above a shutter speed of 1500 without bumping the iso to unacceptable levels for my camera and the majority of my bird in flight shots are fringed in purple...

    Yes, Geoff, I've certainly noticed that a totally different coloured bird will fly by after I think I've set everything just right.

    I think I've figured out what I need to do to get great shots of birds in flight, thanks to everyone on this forum and all the tutorials but I just can't seem to manage to get great shots... Therefore I am going to put my project on hold (and save everyone from viewing endless blurry bird photos). Instead whenever I think I manage a shot (hopefully that day will come) that could just be tweaked by my learning more I'll just post that photo on the forum for input. I think I'll learn more from one shot and a couple of questions a time which is more manageable for me time wise..Right now practice is what I need most, and when I upgrade my camera...

    As an adieu, just to show that I have improved as a result of everyone's feedback (hopefully). Here are a few photos from the past couple of days...

    Project 52 - 2013

    Project 52 - 2013

    I could not manage to get the eye of the eagle in focus. I went back to the nest today, to try again but of course the eagle refused to fly anywhere. And it was cloudy and the light was just not working for me...

    Project 52 - 2013

    Project 52 - 2013

    Project 52 - 2013

    And a sign off as an if only! And one day I will..

    Project 52 - 2013

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