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Thread: Self Portraits

  1. #1
    tomdinning's Avatar
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    Self Portraits

    Since I've been into this photography gig I have thought of myself growing into a famous portrait photographer like Jane Bown (well, not quite like Jane - she does have tits). My first client would be Kylie Minogue in something skimpy and see-through (her not me).
    Unfortunately, each time I get the bleeding camera out everyone has miraculously somewhere to go. Then I am left alone to indulge in my own devices. Sorry, that's WITH my own devices. These days the device is limited to my camera and any utility Christine hands me such as the Hoover, spade or broom.
    I've found a number of ways of firing the camera without it being attached to me. This results in a huge collection of self-portraits none of which will make me famous in my own time, or anybody elses for that matter.

    Self Portraits

    Self Portraits

    Self Portraits

    Self Portraits

    Self Portraits

    Self Portraits

  2. #2
    New Member parhakoo's Avatar
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    Re: Self Portraits

    The one where you are clasping your eyes and mouth is a powerful one. Love the tones.

    PS: Liked the way you wrote, hehe.
    Last edited by parhakoo; 8th February 2013 at 11:47 AM.

  3. #3

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    Re: Self Portraits

    Quote Originally Posted by parhakoo View Post
    The one where you are clasping your eyes and mouth is a powerful one. Love the tones.

    PS: Liked the way you wrote, hehe.
    ......and I dislike the way tomdinning is writing, to crude for my liking ........


  4. #4
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Self Portraits

    Interesting but for a 27 year old you look a bit neglected.

    OOOps my apologies I was looking at the number of posts you have made. (just as well I noticed because it will probably increase quickly past your age)

  5. #5
    Benjy's Avatar
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    Re: Self Portraits

    Totally agree Griddi.....

  6. #6
    tomdinning's Avatar
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    Re: Self Portraits

    Quote Originally Posted by just me View Post
    ......and I dislike the way tomdinning is writing, to crude for my liking ........

    But what of the photos, Griddy? What of the photos? As with my photos I seek to please some. I know others may remain unattached, even distant. Is that not the function of our photos and writing; to stir the emotions. Along with my emotions for love and happiness, joy and pleasure I know I have a few others such as fear, hate, anger and displeasure. I am assuming others might have the same. When I write or photograph I would be just as pleased if you felt hate or fear at what you read or see. Haven't you ever hated a character in a book or drama yet found the story to be rivetting? Is it possible for a photographer to be a little uncooth yet take worthwhile photographs?
    Don't let the colour of my language colour your vision. I mean no harm or offense. As I said in another place, I will watch my vocabulary with a pastors eye. But I don't know what dictionary you use, Griddy so please forgive further indiscretions until I move into sainthood. I still don't know how many people I could offend out there yet.

  7. #7
    tomdinning's Avatar
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    Re: Self Portraits

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    Interesting but for a 27 year old you look a bit neglected.

    OOOps my apologies I was looking at the number of posts you have made. (just as well I noticed because it will probably increase quickly past your age)
    A bit neglected, L! Indeed! Now I'm offended.

  8. #8
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Self Portraits

    Quote Originally Posted by tomdinning View Post
    A bit neglected, L! Indeed! Now I'm offended.
    Sorry about the mistake. We are probably in the same general age group + or - 10years. Unfortunately I am definitely not neglected if we compare waistlines which I won't.

    Good diagonal in portrait.
    The photo of you looking at the painting I like.
    Your feet are blocking a nice picture on the wall that interests me more.
    See no evil, speak ____ but you can probably still listen to music. Good lighting and interesting.
    Last one needs cropping and I would like to know/see what your hand is holding/doing. Good lighting again. Brave or ? ? ?

    Anyhow none are boring.

    P.S. I missed one - I like contrast of blues and warm browns. Some people are convinced movement should be from left to right. Are you walking the wrong way deliberately? Composition may in fact(opinion actually) be better if you were walking left to right just approaching the third.
    Last edited by pnodrog; 11th February 2013 at 03:36 AM.

  9. #9
    Plumcrak's Avatar
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    Re: Self Portraits

    Tom, very nice photos. Number 5, like Umer stated, is powerful. Great lighting and conversion. Me really like.

    If you try REALLY hard, I bet you could offend quite a few people out there, but I am not one of them.

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    Re: Self Portraits

    Quote Originally Posted by tomdinning View Post
    But what of the photos, Griddy? What of the photos? As with my photos I seek to please some. I know others may remain unattached, even distant. Is that not the function of our photos and writing; to stir the emotions. Along with my emotions for love and happiness, joy and pleasure I know I have a few others such as fear, hate, anger and displeasure. I am assuming others might have the same. When I write or photograph I would be just as pleased if you felt hate or fear at what you read or see. Haven't you ever hated a character in a book or drama yet found the story to be rivetting? Is it possible for a photographer to be a little uncooth yet take worthwhile photographs?
    Don't let the colour of my language colour your vision. I mean no harm or offense. As I said in another place, I will watch my vocabulary with a pastors eye. But I don't know what dictionary you use, Griddy so please forgive further indiscretions until I move into sainthood. I still don't know how many people I could offend out there yet.
    Your photos tomdinning are not to bad, although I think you have a bit of a ego.......

    Regarding your writing style, I say this is a photographers forum, and not a writers forum, and I have never ever read in any other photographers forum words you use here ..........


  11. #11
    tomdinning's Avatar
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    Re: Self Portraits

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    Sorry about the mistake. We are probably in the same general age group + or - 10years. Unfortunately I am definitely not neglected if we compare waistlines which I won't.
    66 and aging by the minute.

    Good diagonal in portrait.[/UNQUOTE]

    You'll need to explain that one for me, L.
    The photo of you looking at the painting I like.
    Your feet are blocking a nice picture on the wall that interests me more.
    See no evil, speak ____ but you can probably still listen to music. Good lighting and interesting.[/UNQUOTE]

    Its just what comes through the window, L. (what does the L stand for, by the way?)

    Last one needs cropping and I would like to know/see what your hand is holding/doing. Good lighting again. Brave or ? ? ? [/UNQUOTE]

    I left the crop like that purposely so you could get some context - and to show you what a sloppy photographer I am from time to time.

    Anyhow none are boring.

    P.S. I missed one - I like contrast of blues and warm browns. Some people are convinced movement should be from left to right. Are you walking the wrong way deliberately? Composition may in fact(opinion actually) be better if you were walking left to right just approaching the third.
    People walk from right to left in Tasmania. They do here sometimes as well. I didn't know about that rule. How many more rules are there? I don't want this photography gig to get complicated now. I was just getting interested.

    Thanks for the comments, L. You are forgiven for your indiscretion regarding my deterioration.

  12. #12
    tomdinning's Avatar
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    Re: Self Portraits

    Quote Originally Posted by just me View Post
    Your photos tomdinning are not to bad, although I think you have a bit of a ego.......

    Regarding your writing style, I say this is a photographers forum, and not a writers forum, and I have never ever read in any other photographers forum words you use here ..........


  13. #13
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Self Portraits

    Quote Originally Posted by tomdinning View Post
    66 and aging by the minute.

    ---------- etc etc -------

    Thanks for the comments, L. You are forgiven for your indiscretion regarding my deterioration.
    First of all Tom I am just your superior in the age and deterioration stakes so I will insist on getting the respect that it obviously brings.

    There are a vast array of rules in life and most of them relate to composition and lighting in photography. In fact it gets so complicated that it is best to ignore them. However it is polite to quote a rule or even make one up (I frequently make rules up at golf or scrabble) when commenting on a photo but not so polite to say you just don't like it.

    The L.Paul is just to try and reduce the confusion as every second person on CiC seems to be called Paul.
    Last edited by pnodrog; 11th February 2013 at 06:51 AM.

  14. #14
    tomdinning's Avatar
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    Re: Self Portraits

    Quote Originally Posted by pnodrog View Post
    First of all Tom I am just your superior in the age and deterioration stakes so I will insist on getting the respect that it obviously brings.

    There are a vast array of rules in life and most of them relate to composition and lighting in photography. In fact it gets so complicated that it is best to ignore them. However it is polite to quote a rule or even make one up (I frequently make rules up at golf or scrabble) when commenting on a photo but not so polite to say you just don't like it.

    The L.Paul is just to try and reduce the confusion as every second person on CiC seems to be called Paul.
    Thanks for the heads up as they say in the movies, Paul. I was never big on following rules as my childhood report cards will testify, although my wife, Christine, insists I abide by hers. Since beginning this photography thing I have taken the approach that I should do what I want until Christine tells me not to, since no other person on the planet appears to be as great a threat to my well being than she. Fortunately, she is totally disinterested in my pass times and knows as much about photography as I about neurosurgery.
    My thinking on the matter of composition is that we all have inherent taste to some degree and this probably plays a significant part in our preferences. Once one has learnt the ins and outs of the camera and its abilities, the rest is really up to the individual. Sure, if we want to please someone we might ask them what they prefer, such as matching the colours to their dining room carpet, but other than that most of us are just trying to please ourselves and not bore our relatives too much and possibly become famous on the web (although, after hearing that there were some 300 billion photos posted on the web last year alone, it would be hard to fathom how one could be noticed).
    What does amuse me on such places as this is from time to time I read a comment such as " ...and if you had stepped a few meters to the right the shot would have been better" or "...nice lines". I always thought photographs were about content so if I work on my content I should get photos worth looking at. The trouble is there is so much content out there and such a little rectangle to put it all in I might need to live for at least another 66 years to do it justice or make a dent.
    Which reminds me. Where's my camera?

  15. #15

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    Re: Self Portraits

    To many words Tom - you used to many words.

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