We were on a back country road heading home from a local winery, where we had been to replenish our depleted stocks, purely in case we should ever have a medical emergency at home, when we came across a mob of emus 'off on the wallaby.' For those of you who do not speak Strine they we meandering along the roadside.
Anyway we got a couple of quick shots before they headed off into the bush.
Thanks for viewing and for any comments you may care to post. FYI This pix was taken with a hand held 300mm zoom on the trot. The light was against us as it was mid afternoon on a normal summers day here; ie hot as Hades with temps well into the 30C's, cloudless blue skies and a blazing sun. And of course when the emus took fright at our presence and took off they headed into the sun.No time to set up. Just had to take it as it was.