I'd love to see this posted at something like 1500px on the long edge instead of the 640 it's at. I suspect being able to view it at the larger size would make it even more dramatic.
As it is, I'm seeing the yachts as fuzzy and there seem to be quite a number of artifacts (the result of pp?) showing up on the surface of the water.
G'day Wayne.
Nice to hear from someone else in Darwin. We might catch up one day.
I was at home when that one hit. I swear a bolt of lightning went up the water pipe and cooked my dinner. We had a couple of inches here at Palmy. I don't go out when these blow in. Make me real nervous.
I'll enjoy this one from the comfort and safety of my abode.
I too would also like to see this posted a lot bigger. It is very pixelated as it is.
It's difficult to say from this, but I'd be interested in having a look at the white balance, it seems very blue. I also think you could play with the levels to increase the white point and increase the contrast somewhat.
A very dramatic storm though!
The larger view impacts the drama in the sky very well.
I have never seen clouds so blue. Were they really that blue?
I think that is now a really good image. Wonderful drama in it. Oh, to get clouds like that to photograph every day!
For what it's worth, I'll add my vote for the warmer version of the clouds. The blues are pretty (my fav. color, actually), but the revised photograph has equally powerful clouds with a more realistic appearance. Love the image.
I'll add my vote for the second version; the blue in the first was a little overwhelming and slightly unrealistic for me. It's a great shot!
I wouldn't want to have been stuck in that storm on a boat though...
Thank you all for your feedback, its good to be kept honest when you favour a colour or look. Thats why I put them on CiC. We are lucky with the dramatic weather here, but rest assured I work very hard to be in the right pace at the right time. My wife is very patient. I have been to this location 10 times since December storm chasing, so its great to get a scene like this.
That's much better Wayne! Love it!
Dramatic image Wayne, it reminds me of the storms Florida has in the summer.