Neil, to be honest, I think if you want to depict the 12 Apostels it would be better without cloud. I count 7 Apostels. An Aussie has no idea what the 12 Apostels would be. Could it be the building in the foreground? Perhaps it is the rocky beach?
May I send you back for a re-shoot?
Maybe I have a lot to say now. I will be in Cape Town the end of Feb. I should use this as a challange to do better with the 12 Apostels.
Thanks Neil, it is a beautiful image, however not reflecting what you would like the viewer to see.
See Neil, I told you so. Now the Scotsman thinks that building there is a brewery where 12 Apostels is brewed and exported to Australia. ......... Only joking Donald - really!
A nice enough landscape for sure. I do like the beautiful cloud formations.
Andre - we shall be waiting...