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Thread: hmmm, not really happy, it will do.

  1. #1
    allenlennon's Avatar
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    Portland NSW Australia
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    Allen or "Lurchy" is fine

    hmmm, not really happy, it will do.

    Hi all, tonight i finally got around to do a shot i always wanted to do, but im not happy with it entirely, only due to the fact i could not get the wine glass completly clean, its been in the cabnit for years and cat hair gets everywhere, so im thinking one day to get brand new ones, and try again, but first i might take it to my mums and put i tin the dishwasher to see how it goes, anyways here is two of the best shots.

    At f:5.6(should of went between 8-11) at 1/160th at iso 200. Used one snooted yn-460 below and behind target at 1/16th power.

    Here are the photos, and as i said the glass isnt clean, if it was i dare say it be a better shot.

    hmmm, not really happy, it will do.
    IMG_4807 by AllenLennon, on Flickr

    hmmm, not really happy, it will do.
    IMG_4806 by AllenLennon, on Flickr
    i forgot to crop this one.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2012
    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    Re: hmmm, not really happy, it will do.

    I always clean my glasses before photographing them using Windex. I can't imagine anything that it wouldn't clean.

    Notice that your lighting doesn't display all edges of the stem, base or the reflection. To get this shot really right (so all of the edges are lit as well as the rim), you'll need to solve that issue.

  3. #3
    allenlennon's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
    Portland NSW Australia
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    Allen or "Lurchy" is fine

    Re: hmmm, not really happy, it will do.

    Mike, thank you, and i havent thought about windex. Thank you, and yes i agree about the stem of the glass, i will try again one day.

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