^ Beautiful
It was built in 1871, Bruce.
The city of Anchorage in the foreground and alpenglo on the mountain known as the "Sleeping Lady" across Cook Inlet. Mt.McKinley is also visible from Anchorage on a clear day but is 150mi. away so it the Sleeping Lady that dominates the view across the inlet and the Chugach Range towering right above the city outskirts to the east.
Thank you everyone for bringing a new burst of life to this thread. It's great to see the environments where everyone lives.
Ottawa has a number of landmarks. Perhaps the two most well-known ones are the Centre Block of the Parliament Buildings, with the Peace Tower in the middle and the second one is located just to the east of the Parliament Buildings; the eight Ottawa Locks of the Rideau Canal. The canal that run between Ottawa and Kingston, on Lake Ontario, which are 202km / 125 miles apart. The canal is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is still in operation. Pleasure craft use it today.
I've posted a different version of the Centre Block before (there is also an East Block and West Block).
This image of the canal is looking north and the East Block of the Parliament buildings are just out of the frame to the left of this image. The Commissariat Building on the left is the oldest stone building in Ottawa, and one sees the terrace and some of the structure of the Chateau Laurier Hotel on the right side of the image; it is an Ottawa landmark, in its own right.
The famed portrait photographer; Yousef Karsh lived in the hotel and had his studio there for many years.
In the background one can see the Ottawa River and crossing it is another landmark; the steel truss cantilever Royal Alexandra Interprovincial Bridge.
This is a HDR image of the Ottawa locks looking south; with the Chateau Laurier Hotel on the left. The Commissariat Building is on the right and one of the towers from the East Block of the Parliament buildings is poking up behind the trees on the right side of the image.
Just to keep things interesting, the first shot was taken in the Winter, the second one in the fall and the last one in the summer.
While not a great shot; the Rideau Canal is turned into the World's Longest skating rink every winter. The length of time that it is open for skating varies, but the end of December through the end of February are not at all unusual. In this shot one can see the Parliament Buildings and the Chateau Laurier Hotel in the background. The Ottawa Locks are located just behind the bridge in the background. I am facing north taking this shot.
Last edited by Manfred M; 2nd May 2013 at 04:19 PM.
I agree with Donald, it's great to see this thread revived. Thank you everyone for sharing these great shots of your home regions.I love the lighthouse Greg. And Trevor, I see what you mean about the lens you used which is kinda making me rethink about getting a 300mm as I was about to do.
A second offering from me in this thread.
I know it's not the Sydney Harbour Bridge nor the San Diego or New York skyline, but Glenfarg Green is the centre piece of our little village.
This was it a just a couple of hours ago at 7:30am on this lovely spring day, after getting a bit of the Nik Viveza and Colour Efex Pro treatment.
Canon 40D, Tokina 11-16 f2.8 @ 11mm. ISO400. 1/250@f11
OK, I'll throw in on this. No city or anything but this is five shots 'stitched' into a panorama. It is a BIG part of the area of Wyoming in which I live. Shots taken with Canon Rebel T3 and stitched with Canon software. Hmmm, I seem to be seeing some gradiant effects in the sky on the uploaded image. I just don't see that locally... possibly due to the size reduction...
Nikon 70-200 f2.8 plus Nikon TC20III E teleconverter
This is an old thread regarding this. The atmospheric shimmer is a fact of life when shooting though a lot of air (ie far away objects with a telephoto). The inherent sharpness of the lens is another problem. Don't shy away from the 300mm, just factor in it 's technical limitations. And get a good lens