Hello, Bedanta. Very nice set. My favourite is number 1, due to the good level of details brought, but I liked them all. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Bedanta,
These are very good - I prefer #3 because you have a group of three, all pretty sharp.
If #2 has a failing, it is that the lead bird is outside the DoF (and also may have been moving differently to the others) and is a bit softer.
Excellent work, with good exposure and focus,
Nice shots. I too prefer #3.
#3 is also my favourite. I especially like how you timed it perfectly so that the bird's eye appears between the feathers of the other bird. Well done!
Bedanta i like the 2nd one most for beautiful composition . 1st pic is also good . It has a lot of details.
Otavio / Bobo: Thanks for your kind words / encouragements.